Aw, this week’s Thursday Throwdown has got me beaten and bruised up!
Even though I kept it super short (only 6 mins), I’m feeling it.
The session I did before I hammered out this week’s Throwdown was mixed with a ton of heavy power cleaning, some power and hang snatching, then some squatting.
Overall, a great training day, but as I explain in the video below, I can always get better.
This goes for YOU too.
Always focus on getting better each and every session no matter what, PROGRESS is key.
Now, you may be wondering what the hell “Man Child’s” are. Well, it you caught my last blog post on my 7 TOP Barbell Exercises, you’d see that Man Child’s are on the list and for good reason… They are extremely effective!
Here’s this week’s Throwdown…
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=-RGbMliAa8Q&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2289″ /]
8 Rounds x Every :45 Secs:
1A) 2 x “Man Child’s” (try to load bar up w/ your BW or more)
1B) Toes To Bar x R.A.T. (Remaining Amount of Time)
My goal was to get 80 T2B but I fell a bit short at 74…
Less rest next time!
Overall, “Man Child’s” or Squat Power Clean to Thruster’s are an all-in-one barbell movement. I’d say it’s safe to say that these are abarbell complex in themselves.
Simply brutal.
If you’re ever short on time, I think another great quick workout idea would be to through 75% of your bodyweight onto the bar and to see how many “Man Child’s” you can get in 5 mins.
Hmmmm. Sounds like something I may do in the near future 😉
If you decide to take this Throwdown on, go ahead and post up your results in the comments below!
Keep going H.A.M.!
Live and Train Aggressive!