
Let’s cut to the chase here.

It’s the New Year.

Time for all of the “New Year’s Resolutions” to begin.

Time for people to start this and drop that.

Time for a “change” right?

Every year we see this.

The gyms fill up with new faces.

People get motivated.

They set goals.

They get started then…


They miss a session here, slip up on their nutrition there, and then BOOM!

Back into the same old routine.

Filled with excuses for this, excuses for that…

Sound like something that’s happens to YOU?

Hopefully not.

Here’s Some TRUTH  for ya = It’s said that 85-90% of people who set “New Year’s Resolutions” FAIL to ever hit these “goals”.

What ever these goals might be, they come up short and typically end up in the SAME spot they were in before they got started or they end up even worse off then before.


Because most “New Year’s Resolution’s” are a bunch of BULL SH*T.

They don’t work.

What does work is a LIFESTYLE Change, not some short term New Year’s goal.

Because in order for YOU to  achieve complete CHANGE and RESULTS, you need to focus on TRANSFORMING yourself from the inside out.

To do this, you need to focus on a few KEY things…

KEY #1 – For Total TRANSFORMATION – Understand That There’s Is No “Magic Secret” To Getting Results.


There are no “get-results-quick”, “easy-push-button” programs out there.

There is however a LOT of hyped-up, PHONEY, BS stuff out there that will SAY “easy”…

But the TRUTH is, only good ol’ hard work, commitment, and dedication will get you to where you want to go.

The real “SECRET” to doing it fast is with following a SMART and PROVEN PLAN.

If there was anything “easy”, that would be it.

To follow in the foot steps of what someone else has done before to achieve SUCCESS.

To follow a PROVEN System or PLAN that has been shown to work over and over again when HARD WORK and COMMITMENT have been put into place.

Simple right?

While that might be, I’m still not sure as to why so many people refuse to accept this truth.

Maybe because they get blinded and fooled by all of the FAKE, hyped up sh*t that’s out there.

Hey, I know how easy it is to be fooled…

And even if people do follow a plan, the reason for failure then typically isn’t due to the plan being in-effective.

No, it’s usually because the HARD WORK and COMMITMENT to Execution were NOT there.

Excuses where probably there more than anything which all brings me into KEY #2 which is…

KEY #2 – You Must BE Committed to “The PROCESS”

If you want change…

If you want total transformation, you MUST embrace the “process”.

In fact, you need to f*&king to FALL in LOVE with the Process.


This is the day-to-day life that YOU live.

You know, “The Grind”, “The Daily Hustle”.

While it’s important to set goals with DEADLINES in order to have a set start and end point (which I’ll talk about next) you must realize that in order for continued and lifelong SUCCESS to happen, the “process” of getting yourself better NEVER ends.


There will be ups and downs.


Where most people fail with this is in how they think things are nothing more than a “quick fix”.

Take a bath once and you’re clean for life!

Not so much…

Losing weight, getting strong as hell, ripped to shreds, and being able to perform at peak levels…

Get there and it’s done right?


You need to continue to train hard day in and day out.

You need to continue to eat right day in and day out.

Just like you need to bathe day in and day out (or at least I hope you do)…

It’s never-ending, but it’s doesn’t have to be something that scares you away.

In other words, DON’T run from “The Process.”

Don’t fight it.

>> EMBRACE it <<

Know that it’s the exact thing that makes YOU who you are.

Fighting through the struggles of life is apart of the deal.

EVERYONE has to deal with these things so why fight it?

Because without CHALLENGE, there will be NO Change.

Screen Shot 2014-12-30 at 8.20.32 AMThe everyday things YOU do…








It’s all apart of the PROCESS.

So enjoy the freakin’ ride baby!

Make it a LIFESTYLE.

Key #3 – Set DEADLINES

The worst thing you could ever do when going after a goal is to go after it without first setting an actual start and end date.

I hear it all the time.

Person A – “I’m going to do X”

Me – “Awesome, when do you want to ACHIEVE X by?”

Person A – “Um, Sometime down the road I think…”

That right there is already primed to be a failure from the get-go.

Not always, but most of the time when a goal is set without a DEADLINE, it’s DOOMED to fail.


NO Accountability.


For example, inside my 6-Weeks To FREAK Transformation System, we make every day count.

We don’t waste a single one.

Everything is laid out day by day, training session to session.

The plan is already laid out and done for you.

So when you START, you have a Targeted END.

Without a start or end date, you’re doing things totally blind, without structure, or FOCUS.

For a full transformation to occur, you must have these things in place.

So, make sure to set yourself a start date and an end date.

And then make sure you take them very SERIOUSLY.

TRUTH #4 – Join A TEAM

Screen Shot 2014-12-22 at 3.15.17 PMI for the longest time was making the BIG mistake of trying to do everything on my own.

“If it was up to be it was up to me”, was a quote I lived by.

Unfortunately, I took it a bit too seriously in thinking that I had to do everything on my own.

While I still live by that quote, I’ve come to realize just how POWERFUL having a TEAM around you can be in regards to getting you even further ahead in life.

While it still ultimately up to YOU to get sh*t done, you can always have help along the way (and serve as help as well).

The TRUTH is to never underestimate the power of community in getting yourself faster results while also in staying on track with your progress.

You DON’T have to live life on your own.

When you have people around you with the same positive thoughts, goals, and aspirations as YOU (it’s important to make sure you surround yourself with LIKE-MINDED people), that’s when things become almost unstoppable.

**The complete opposite can happen if you surround yourself with the WRONG people**

But, when you have the right community of people to work with, you’ll be held to a higher standard, be kept accountable, and  never allowed to quit.

When you find the right community, it’s like FAMILY.

STRENGTH IN NUMBERS = It Truly Make a Difference.

So if you want TOTAL TRANSFORMATION, be sure to attack your goals as a group or with a TEAM.

Teams are always stronger than an individual.

NEVER be afraid to ask for help, and to use your community as your support network.

I really can’t stress just how powerful and important it is to have yourself a TEAM.

Don’t be an “alpha” ego-dominant type of person and try to be on your own all the time.

As much as you may want to deny it, you can always use some help.

If you want help and want to join a powerful community, you can join one HERE

Key #5 – Get A COACH

This right here might be one of the most critical of all the the keys I shared thus far in regards to getting you to fastest results possible.

In short, if you want to achieve something BIG, find a coach, a mentor, someone you can TRUST, that has either achieved what ever it is you want to achieve themselves or has helped others achieve what you want to achieve many of times over before.

There’s a LOT of phoney, “guru”, coaches out there that talk a big game, but don’t WALK THE WALK.

The fastest way to success is to follow behind those that have done it before.

SUCCESS leaves footsteps so why not follow in those footsteps??

When you choose to follow a coach that has been able to achieve success in the past, and has done it well, you’ll be able to avoid common failures or roadblocks that they’ve run into.

They’ll provide the knowledge you need to advanced ahead further and just like a solid team would provide, will keep you accountable and keep you driven to push ahead with your goals.

A GOOD coach will do these things.

Don’t be afraid to get yourself one.

So, from here. if you want a SYSTEM that’s been proven to work many of times over to get people REAL RESULTS, it’s time for you to apply for the 6-Weeks To FREAK Transformation System.

It has the COMMUNITY you need.

The COACHING to push you ahead fast.

The PROCESS inside the proven training and nutritional programming.

And it’s got the Start and End you need in which begins on Jan 12th.