What an exciting week full of KILLER workouts and awesome events.
I’m jacked up to bring this post to you.
The last week and a half has been completely hectic and fast paced as I’ve been continuing to train for the Crossfit Open, I traveled out to Vegas to meet up with some of the worlds top fitness pros, and now I just released my newest program, The 28 Day Athletic Muscle Formula.
Busy busy, but NO EXCUSES as I’ve still been able to get in my training.
What’s allowed me to do so is mental focus and inner drive which are two things not everyone has. To be honest, inner drive and mental focus is something you can’t buy, rather it must be created by YOU inside.
One of the ways I’ve built up inner drive and mental focus is through training. Training has taught me many many things about life and how to live it right.
You must eat RIGHT – If you’re going to train, reward yourself for the hard work that’s being put in. There’s no sense in training your ass off and putting yourself through the ringer if your just going to throw it all away by filling yourself up with crap food.
Eating right 90% of the time takes a strong mind and it’s tough not to cheat and give in to temptation. I’m around it all the time and in fact, this last weekend while in Vegas, I had my fair share of temptation in regards to food, but I stayed focused as I knew I had to keep on the path towards my goals (I did indulge a bit here and there 😉 )
So while in Vegas, I was able to hit up a gym in one of the hotels my buddy was staying in, Funny thing is, it’s actually called, “The Hotel“… Not a bad gym at all…

These types of gyms usually aren’t my cup-o-tea, but I was impressed that this gym actually had DB’s that went up to 100 lbs and it had quite a bit of free space to use as well. Usually these gyms are filled with a bunch of useless cardio and strength machines.
So once I got settled and took myself through a quick 5 Min Warm Up (the one I took straight out of The 28 Day AMF) I got to work.
I decided to do a day picked right out of The 28 Day AMF as all I needed were some heavy DB’s, a barbell, and my own bodyweight.
I hit a mixture of heavy strength based movements mixed with some power based jumps, and finished with a brutal metabolic circuit consisting of sumo deadlift high pulls, burpees, and dynamic planks. By the end I was completely exhausted, but I felt like a champion.
Sometime within a training session, your mind begins to speak to you and tell you to stop. There’s nothing better then to know at the end of the session that you were able to go against what your mind was telling you to do and push through it to the end.
That’s where the true strength is built…
I could tell the elevation got to me a bit, but that’s no excuse to cut back my intensity. It’s also hard when you’re in an environment like the gym I was in because when everyone else isn’t really training all that hard and you’re completely on a rampage… You get some weird looks…
Bottom Line, it’s these types of workouts that help build my mind and in return, build up more muscle and strength.
The only thing I regret is the fact that my precious Flip Cam, the one that I’ve had for over 3 years now, finally died on me… R.I.P. Flip Cam.. You have helped me produce well over 300 videos packed with awesome footage on training, nutrition, and life. You will not be forgotten 🙂
The good news is, I found a new camera so I’ll be cranking out more videos to you ASAP. You’ll want to watch out for the next blog post…
For now, I would strongly suggest you check out my newest program, The 28 Day Athletic Muscle Formula. For today ONLY, I’m giving away a special coaching bonus to ALL of the action takers that get it today!
Go here now ==> 28 Day AMF