It’s time to get SERIOUSLY strong (or at least get challenged to do so).

My good buddy and fellow strength coach Tyler Bramlett is at it again as he just sent me a new Warrior Upper Body Throwdown.
I got this video in my inbox yesterday morning from TB with a little 15 min challenge workout and as you know me, I’m never one to back down from a challenge 😉
Check out the video that Tyler, from Warrior Upper Body sent me that shows us a NEW Throwdown…
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=QHnXlvFuG-8&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1954″ /]
Now, like I said before, I’m never one to back down from a good ol’ challenge, especially a Throwdown 😉
So I cranked it out…
[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=ENJRyb7UtlE&width=450&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4275″ /]
Here’s the lowdown on the THROWDOWN…
15 Min AMRAP of:
1A) 1 Arm DB Snatch x 1, 2, 3, 4…
1B) 1 Arm Pull Ups x 1, 2, 3, 4…
***Score – the TOTAL amount of reps you do and the weight you use for the DB snatches
***If you can’t do 1 Arm Pulls (they are freaking HARD), regress to a recline 1 arm row OR do regular pull ups – just do the BEST that YOU can do
***Quick note on HOW and WHEN to use this Throwdown – Since this is a 15 min AMRAP, I’d use this as part of your MAIN workout instead of a quick finisher, but this is only my top recommendation. If you’re more advanced, you could definitely crank it out as a finisher, up to you. The main reason I recommend you use this as a main workout is due to it being highly focused in on both strength and power, so you’ll want to be somewhat fresh in order to hit this nasty boy (especially f you plan to crank out 1 arm pullups)
Bottom Line – This is a freaking TOUGH challenge my man Tyler sent in.
As you’ll see in the video, I managed to get 8 total rounds in both for single arm pull ups (assisted) and for 1 arm DB snatch (used 90 lbs)
My goal going in was to get 10 rounds, but I would’ve needed another 10 mins!
Overall score = 90 lbs + 144 total reps
Let’s see what YOU can crank out.
Make sure to go 110% H.A.M. with this and POST up your score below in the comments.
Live and Train Aggressive!
PS – Feel like you’re NOT quite strong enough yet?
Well, it’s time to get stronger!
Check out the Warrior Upper Body System for Total Upper Body Domination.
A few movements you’ll be getting stronger with include:
Push Ups, Pull Ups, Weighted Presses, Weighted Rows and Pulls, Dips, Handstand Push Ups…
Want Muscle Ups? You’ll be shown exactly how to build those up as well…
Upper Body Strength and Domination —> Get Warrior Upper Body
PPS – For a LIMITED TIME, when you grab Warrior Upper Body from my link HERE, you’ll get access to my exclusive BONUS – 21 HARDCORE Upper Body Challenges.
To gain access to my BONUS, just forward me your Clickbank receipt to