I can remember talking to Anthony for a good hour and 45 mins the first time we got on the phone to discuss his Muscle Building Program through my ELITE Coaching Program.

Like many of my ELITE online coaching clients, at first Anthony was a HUGE skeptic….

Why wouldn’t he be???

An online coaching program???  How could this possibly work???

Shoot, if I didn’t know what I know now, I would be a HUGE skeptic too!

Like lots of guys out there, Anthony had been trying everything under the sun from this program to that program to combining these supplements with that other muscle building program to just being plain sick and tired of not gaining any momentum what so ever.

Well, 3 and half months later, I’m happy to say, Anthony is a NEW man!  After talking with him on the phone again just a few nights ago about his newest phase of training, Anthony had told me that he was a totally changed man.

muscle building programThis was very pleasing to hear!

I can’t explain how happy it makes me when I hear one of my clients tell me that they’ve understood what it takes to change and they’ve made the necessary choices and sacrifices to make it happen.

You see, I could write a completely kick ass muscle building program but, the truth is I can’t get you to follow through with the actual workouts OR the lifestyle changes needed to make the muscle building program be fully effective…

Anthony realized one important thing that lots of people fail to realize about what it really takes to be successful with any muscle building program out there….

It ultimately comes down to YOU and ALL of the lifestyle choices YOU decide to make on an everyday basis.

Anthony was quick to point out that he had made some major changes in his life that he could tell were making a HUGE impact on not only his physical results but, his mental results as well.

What I helped Anthony do with his muscle building program was use all the tools he had access to which to be up front about, wasn’t a  gym like mine where I have prowlers, large tires to play with, ropes to climb, tons of different bars to lift, and sandbags.

Instead, he had access to a normal everyday gym.  The truth is, we didn’t need all the different “hardcore” tools I often speak about to get the results we wanted. Instead, we used what he had to the best of our abilities.

Instead of complaining about not having this or that, we got to work and made things happen with what we DID have…

So it came down to using a ton of free weight based stuff like dumbbells, barbells, and his own bodyweight in which were the staples of his muscle building program, while we also used a TRX and a few kettlebells.  Those two items are now becoming more common place in your typical gym setting.  The keys are knowing how to use all of these tools in the proper manner of programming and form.

The main reason I’m writing this blog post is to point some attention to my client Anthony, for the dedication he has put forth into his muscle building program as well as the sacrifices he’s made to make a huge change in not only his physical self but, also his mental self as well!

Here are the main things Anthony did to get his results that I think if YOU apply these as well, will see some amazing changes as well:

  • Made The CHOICE to succeed – Instead of thinking about things, he went ahead and did them.  He didn’t waste time “thinking” about what it was he wanted to get done, we just strapped up and did work!  Too many guys sit around “thinking” about things instead of doing….  Like Nike, “Just Do It”

Muscle Building Program / Just Do It

  • Made the sacrifice and went to Paleo – Anthony gave up many things in his diet, some things he told me were tough to give up.  Now he feels healthy and looks better!   He has discovered that Paleo is the way to go!  Too many guys bitching about how bad Paleo is…  It works 😉
  • Trained Athletically – All of the workouts Anthony did were functionally based-athletic workouts that mainly blended together the use of bodyweight, barbells, and dumbbells in a 3-4 day split using 1-2 extra days as sprint and high intensity cardio days.  (Look out for a SPECIAL program coming out soon on this 😉 )
  • Always Planned Ahead – I can recall numerous times where Anthony would call me up because he had some traveling to do or had some sort of event to attend in which could have murdered his progress though poor eating or through missing workouts, ect.  The main thing was, Anthony would prepare for these things and instead of just saying, “F – It’, he made the choice to be prepared which helped him gain results much quicker.  Don be lazy and PREPARE!
  • Total Commitment – With any type of muscle building program out there, the most important rule to be successful with it is to be 100% committed to it.  Without a total commitment, you’re results will suffer.

Overall, Anthony made NO EXCUSES with his muscle building program and simply got the job done!  He’s going to continue to work hard and gain momentum and speed to towards his ultimate goal! 


This is also a great example of someone who is a lot alike most guys out there training at your typical “globo gym” needing some extra direction on where to go with their training.

As I mentioned above, instead of wasting time looking for the next best thing, I suggest you go back to the basics and keep it simple, while eating clean and training hard.  Don’t waste time thinking about the things you don’t have but,  rather start trying to maximize your time on the things you do have!

When it comes to building muscle, losing fat, and getting strong, one must make the choice to succeed.  Whether this be by doing it themselves or investing into a coach, the ultimate choice is their own.

Live Aggressive and Get Strong!

I would like to see some feedback on what you think of Anthony’s overall Progress.  Let’s see some comments and maybe share some of the things that have served as roadblocks in your success. 

PS – If you are someone that is interested in my ELITE Online Coaching Program, at this time I have exactly 4 spots open!

I will be raising the overall investment on Oct 1st so, if you want in for the current investment of $197 per phase, go to my ELITE Coaching Page Here and fill out the form to submit your information.

You have to be accepted into the program so make sure you’re 110% SERIOUS about wanting in!

I will get back to you ASAP to discuss more about your personalized muscle building program if you look like a good fit!