You know, there’s just too many damn people out there suffering from back pain!
Whether this be from a lack of mobility, poor core strength, terrible exercise form and technique, or just a big time lack in overall activity during the day, there’s way too much of it going around when there shouldn’t be.
Not a week goes by that I don’t get at least one message in my inbox from someone wanting to know how to train around or FIX their back pain.
Not just 3 years ago I had a scary back pain incident where I was deadlifting (not even that heavy) and I heard a loud “POP!”
My form was right.
Technique was solid.
I think the spots I was lacking most were in my overall mobility and readiness for the session.
Still not positive as to what it was that caused my lower back to POP that day, but I’ll tell you right now, I NEVER want to go through that type of pain again.
It put me out for a good week from training and it was damn scary.
Today I’m happily back pain FREE (knock on wood) because ever since then, I’ve done a LOT of different things to prevent that from ever happening again.
A lot of what I’ve done I discuss in this “Fix Your Back Pain” special edition Aggressive Strength Talk with my buddy, Rick Kaselj.
Rick is the MAN when it comes to any type of injury.
Check out the strength call I did with Rick below and you’ll discover some tips and tricks on how to make sure you DESTROY your back pain for good (or at least NEVER get it).
Some of the things you’ll discover within this 60 min call include…
- What are some of the MAJOR causes of back pain (it’s beyond the OBVIOUS of poor form and technique)
- The BIG 3 keys to preventative back pain
- What’s better – Stretching or Mobility? We go over the answer.
- Why CORE STRENGTH isn’t all that important unless you what this…
- The TOP exercises to help cure back pain
- The steps you need to take in order to come back from back pain so you can get back to 110% H.A.M. training mode
- How to fix and train around SI Joint pain
- Got Sciatic Nerve Pain? We talk about how to eliminate it.
- Plus MORE!
Make sure to drop any questions or comments you might have below.
Live and Train Aggressive!
PS – By now, I’m sure that you’ve been hit up from all angles with emails about BACK PAIN.
Well, there’s good reason to that as Rick just released his Fix My Back Pain System this week.
To be honest, this is by far the best back pain system I’ve seen thus far.
There’s NO doubt about it.
So, for TODAY ONLY, I’m going to offer up a BONUS to you for when you grab Fix My Back Pain System from my discount link HERE.

For the longest time I’ve only given my Elite coaching clients access to this system and I’m now going to give it away for FR*EE, but for TODAY ONLY.
And I do mean for TODAY ONLY 😉
I know this will help you train PAIN FR*EE
So, here’s the steps to get my BONUS – MONSTER Mobility
1 – Grab Fix My Back Pain for 52% OFF HERE
2 – Forward me your Clickbank Receipt back to this email
3 – I’ll get your hooked up with MONSTER Mobility
***NOTE – This is only for until TONIGHT at Midnight!