Just the other day one of my Elite Hardcore Online Coaching client’s sent me this video…

[embedplusvideo height=”309″ width=”500″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/64K0Rea7Sjk?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=64K0Rea7Sjk&width=500&height=309&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5593″ /]

Now, I’ve seen many talks and videos of Ray speaking, but I yet to ever to see this one until the other day.


Take a few mins to watch that video above then read on.

I resonate with what Ray talks about 110%.

What he says gives me chills every single time.

The message I want to spread that I took from the video is this:

“Why settle on being just good when you can be GREAT?”

Well, what do YOU think when you read that question?

What do YOU think it truly takes to be great?

Hard Work?


Basically what it comes down to YOU making the choice to become GREAT.

When you look at the world today 9 out of 10 people choose to be good…

9 out of 10 people choose to be “normal”…

9 out of 10 people want to be average.

I say screw being normal, forget being average, and F#CK being just good!

Make the decision to be GREAT!

NOTHING is stopping you but YOU.

It’s the very few and far between that CHOOSE to go that extra mile that put in the extra effort and time to be GREAT at what they do.

I don’t know about you, but I was put on this earth to be GREAT.

I was giving the choice and ability to apply myself to become GREAT.

Do I consider myself to be “GREAT”?

Not yet.  In fact I feel that I’m far from it.

There’s much work to be done yet which is why every day I strive to do my very best to do what it is I feel I was put on this earth to do.

I was put here to help guide YOU on how to Train and Live Aggressive so that YOU can achieve the results you want and deserve so that you can be as physically strong and badass as you can be.

Not only do I want you to be a total badass physically (that’s the easy part), I want to make damn sure that you’re a complete badass MENTALLY as well.

That is where it counts most.

What you do in the gym or with your training will have a CRITICAL impact on what you do in LIFE.

This is the God honest truth.

Now, referring back to the Ray Lewis clip I supplied above, he talks about fitness.

This is another area I truly resonate with.

Ray talks about how he trains not just for football, but for a LIFESTYLE.

This is the TRUTH!

Training for football is only a BONUS.

We all need to train for LIFE, but we’ve got to do it the RIGHT way.

If you want the physical benefits of training to transfer over to the mental, you must do it the RIGHT way.

There are no short cuts.

There is only the RIGHT WAY.

For it’s doing it the RIGHT way that will teach you the most.

The hard times and the good will both help develop your physical and mental character overtime.

Bottom line, this is what we were made to do…


To close, take what I’m about to say to heart.

If YOU want to be GREAT and not just good, YOU must make the personal decision to do so.

Choose to be GREAT.

If you’re ready to attack the path to GREATNESS, I can show you how at my Train Aggressive Workshop on March 16th at my gym, The Forged Athlete.

My MISSION is to help you go out into the world and change others through YOU leading by example, but YOU can not comitt to doing so until YOU change yourself.

YOU have the POWER change others by living a STRONG lifestyle and showing people how to do it – but it must it must start with a lifestyle of Aggressive Action Taking.

Join me at my Train Aggressive Workshop on March 16th.  We’ll be digging into way more then just training.

Just like Ray Leiws talks about, you must make the decision to become GREAT.

It doesn’t just happen, it can’t be bought, and it certainly can’t be given away.

YOU must EARN it.

Let me show you how…

CLICK HERE for more info on the Train Aggressive Workshop – March 16th

PS – Post up your thoughts and comments on this below.  I want to hear YOU speak.

Tell me, What is your reaction to this?

How will YOU commit to begin GREAT and fight being just good?