So we’re now less than a month away from a very special day in the US, Memorial Day.

Not only is this a day to remember and give RESPECTS to ALL of the fallen HERO’s that have served and given their lives for our great country, but it’s also a day where we can pay our respects via a little bit of SUFFERING.


Yes, suffering by putting our bodies and minds to the ultimate test via the annual MURPH workout.

And suffer we will…

Now, if you’ve seen the movie or read the book,“The Lone Survivor” you’d realize that the MURPH workout is NOTHING in comparison to the brutal unknown’s that our military HERO’S encounter in the rigors of battle.

Especially Michael Murphy.

That movie is only a small depiction of what really happened…

Details Of MURPH

For Time:

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
***To be done in a 20 lbs weighted vest***


Now, to help one prepare for a hellish challenge such as this, I’ve come up with some “BONUS” programming that athlete’s within my gym will be hitting AFTER their main strength and conditioning work during the week for the next full month.

Day 1 – Monday
Day 2 – Wed
Day 3 – Friday or Saturday

It’s all geared towards helping you to “Max Out For MURPH”

And even if you choose not to take on the MURPH this year, this workout protocol will still help you increase your bodyweight strength and endurance like a champ.

You can use what I’m about to share with you for the whole rest of the month in addition to your regular training sessions.

Here’s the set ups…

Day 1 – MAX Out For MURPH

3 Rounds Of Each
***Circuit style – do 1 set of pull ups, then push ups, then the squats

Unbroken Strict Pull Ups 
***Regress to Assisted Pull Ups if need be 
***1st 2 Rounds – Submax / 3rd Round MAX to failure 
DB Push Ups ( Push Ups on Dumbbells) 
***1st 2 Rounds – Submax / 3rd Round MAX to failure 
15 DB or KB Goblet Squats @ 50/30
***REST 60 secs between movements then 60-90 secs after Squats before you go back to Pull Ups


Day 1 is all about pushing your MAX rep efforts on the upper body movements.

First couple of rounds are to be done for submax reps only then you go to complete failure for the last round.

Day 2 – MAX Of For MURPH

Complete (NOT for time but push the pace)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Strict Weighted Pull Ups 
***Regress to Unweighted or Assisted Pull Ups if need be 
3, 6, 9, 12, 15 – Weighted Ring Push Ups 
***Regress to Unweighted Ring Push Ups or normal Push Ups if need be 
5, 10, 15, 20, 25 BW Squats

***Do 1 Pull Up, then 3 Push Ups, then 5 Squats, then 2 Pull Ups, ect…


Day 2 is more about strength than reps.

If you have a weighted vest, wear it.

If not, you can use chains, bands, or external weights to help add resistance to the movements.

Day 3 –MAX Out For MURPH

3 Rounds EACH For Time

200m Run 
5 Kipping C2B Pull Ups 
***Regress to Kipping Pull Ups if need be 
10 Plyo “Clapping” Push Ups 
15 SB Front Loaded Squats – Light to Moderate load 
***Rest 90 secs between rounds


The final day is about Speed and INTENSITY.

You want to attack each of the rounds with maximum effort and speed.

The upper body movements used are power-based variations where the Squats are now getting hit with a unique variation via the Sandbag.

Nice little switch up.

In addition to the weekly layout above, you’ll want to be hitting some vertical pressing (OH Press variations and HSPU’s)

For pulling you’ll definitely want to hit some Recline Rows or Bent Rows here and there to get in some solid balance.

Main thing here is to hit it H.A.M.

Execute and you’ll see some nice gains.

If you choose to add it in, let me know.



PS – Want PROGRAMMING that will turn you into an UNCOMMON MAN who’s ready for anything and everything??