So over the past few weeks, I relaunched one of my coaching programs for ex-athlete dads called “DATHLETE Bootcamp.”

I received a ton of replies from “interested” dads who wanted to take back control of their lives by getting themselves back into great shape.

While all this is great, I’m always amazed by how many of these dads refuse to TAKE ACTION when it really matters.

They start to take that first step forward and then, POOF…

They go back into hiding.

Many of these dads are 20 to 30 or more pounds overweight.

They’re always tired and feel run down.

They’ve developed the dreaded “DAD BOD”, which they cringe at when they look in the mirror.

And many have started to feel the decline of their health as a result.

Most aren’t anything like their old athlete selves from years back.

Many express how they hate feeling as if they were going to pass out only after a few minutes of playtime with their kids.

What’s most concerning is how LONG many of these dads have TOLERATED being and feeling like this.

Months upon months and YEARS!

I just don’t get it, but I DO get it.

Taking action requires EFFORT.

Taking action means there’s gotta be MOVEMENT.

Taking action means there’s going to be some unwanted PAIN and DISCOMFORT.

Taking action means there needs to be DUES PAID via time, effort, and financially.

Taking action ain’t easy, but it’s what must be done.

You can’t sit back, wait, and then expect things to change for you magically.

You have to act with SPEED.

==> Because SUCCESS loves SPEED.

Ever read the book, “Ready, FIRE, AIM”?

It’s a fantastic book, but the main message is right there in the title.

Take ACTION NOW, then worry about making changes and dialing in on the tiny details later.

In other words, stop worrying about the small, insignificant BULLSHIT (Self Doubt, FEAR, Worry, Uncertainty, etc…).


==> DEFEAT loves DELAY.

The more you delay, the more time you waste and lose out on forever.

That TIME isn’t coming back and it’s wasting away day by day.

So, if you’re sitting around “thinking” about taking action but only coming up with more BULLSHIT excuses, STOP DELAYING.

Be quick and Take Action NOW!

Success is on the other side of ACTION.

High-Level Coaching For The EX-Athlete DAD

If you’re a DRIVEN DAD and you want in-depth support and coaching to help you destroy the DAD BOD for good so you can look and feel your best, apply at the link below…