Not sure about you, but have you ever got to and trained through “that feeling” before?

You know, that point at which you’re not sure if you should push on or stop?

I know for me that this has become a common feeling.

I’ve made it a point to make this a common feeling within my training sessions because I know if I can manage to push through “that feeling” I’ll get myself to the next level.

What you must understand is that in order to forge ahead with your results and push beyond your personal barriers, you’ve got to train beyond your limits.

You need to get to the point at which it’s tough, unbearable, “HARD”…

The only issue with this is that when we start to get to “that feeling”, we get scared, begin to self-doubt ourselves, and lose confidence…

Here’s some of my thoughts on this…

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Ls4SxcRdB3k&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8756″ /]

It’s so true that the mind and body go hand in hand.

Here’s some major tips in regards to “embracing that feeling”

–> You MUST push yourself beyond that point at which you start to feel scared, you start to doubt your-self this is where you must press on!
–> Welcome that feeling in – you’ve got to go there and get better
–> When you’re in great shape, that when you start to have some real fun
–> REWARD yourself with hardwork
–>  Hardwork isn’t PUNISHMENT, it’s a GIFT.

I really dig this video…

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=zjSOR8fyclg&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1007″ /]

I like how he related working hard to having fun.

It’s easy to KICKASS when you know you’ve put in the work.

SUFFER now, prosper later.

So, some questions to ask yourself:

Have you been training in “that zone”?

Have you embraced “that feeling” or have you run from it?

Have you been REWARDING yourself thru hardwork?

Remember, don’t run from “that feeling”, but instead welcome it in and get used to it.

In the end, you’ll be REWARDING yourself with all of the HARD WORK and suffering you go through.  Don’t think of it as punishment, think of it as a challenge.  A challenge that YOU must accept.

Trust me when I say, you may HATE every min of the HARD training sessions you put yourself through, but you’ll LOVE every min of the results you receive.

The results you receive will go way beyond just physical…

Bottom Line – a Life without challenge, pain, and some suffering is a life without GROWTH…

Let’s hear your thoughts and comments on this.

Live and Train Aggressive!

PS -Tomorrow I’ve got a HUGE announcement in regards to a new program that I’ll be unleashing.

This program will REWARD you, but only if you’re willing to put in the hard work to get what you want.

You’ll want to be on the early bird list as I’ll be rewarding those who take fast action to improving themselves.

Find out more info ===>  Strong and Shredded – The Release