While up in the mountains of Vermont at Spartan Race HQ I did a whole lot of training with the crew I was with.
We cranked early an AM bodyweight / Navy SEAL inspired workout with Joe De Sena at his farm that pushed us both mentally and physically.

We did a 2.5 mile “quick sprint” up the Spartan Race HQ mountain that ended with a run back down back to the bottom in an insane down pour of rain that left us absolutely soaked.
I’ll NEVER forget the time I had while there running down that mountain!
Great stuff.
Doing that type of training outside of the gym is critical in my mind to keep you on your toes.
Lots of us get too stuck on training in the gym and sticking to the rules all the time.
While the type of training I do is far from normal, I make sure to get myself outside a lot to keep it fresh.
Either way, on the final day before I left, Zach and I found a bit of time to fit in an extra special “Underground” inspired strength circuit.
This circuit blended together the use of kettlebells and a heavy stone.
This was like the icing on the cake if you ask me…
If you’re not yet familiar with underground style workouts like this, it’s time you get yourself acquainted.
In the video Zach and I go over the main details of the set up plus a few different ways on how you can use it.
Just note that it’s definitely NOT an easy circuit, but it wasn’t meant to be easy 😉
If you want easy, you’ve come to the wrong place my friend.
Time to grab yourself a couple of kettlebells and a heavy stone and get after it!
PS – Have you grabbed your copy of The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning yet??
I’ve been talking about this all week and for good reason…
The amount of BONUSES that Zach is giving away with this is INSANE.
Don’t miss out on grabbing yourself a copy of The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength.
With over 400 pages of explosive content mixed with effective workouts and motivational stories, you will NOT down with this training resource.
>>> THE Encyclopedia of UNDERGROUND Strength and Conditioning