So it’s been asked, people want to know what I eat to get LEAN and MEAN.

I’ll tell you BUT before I do, I must warn you, it’s PLAIN, SIMPLE, and not many people will actually want to eat this way.

That’s ok!  It’s all about your priorities!

I want to look LEAN and be MEAN and that’s that.

If you want to do the same, rearrange your priorities a bit.


ANYONE can do it.  It ALL comes down to choice…

So without further ado, here’s a day of my eating…

430am – Awaken

Blend the following together:

  • 2 Scoops Prograde Protein
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Handful of Spinach Leaves
  • Mixed Berries – Frozen Strawberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries

Sometimes I’ll take an apple with me for the road.

**I always keep fruit in the morning due to their natural sugar levels – NEVER at night…

630am – Breakfast

8-12 cage free – omega three eggs (3 -4 whole, 5-8 whites )

Add in:

  • Chopped mushrooms
  • Chopped Bell Peppers
  • Spinach Leaves

Dump “Jack’s Special Salsa” on top – no measuring, just spill as much as you want.

I get this stuff at Costco – BEST salsa in the world!!!

1 Tbsp Udos Oil

930am – snack

2 Handfuls of unsalted almonds or mixed nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, pecans, ect)

Or sometimes I’ll bring a jar of natural almond butter and take a few spoonfuls out of there.

1130am – Mid Morn Snack (Pre-Blended)

  • 2 Scoops Prograde Protein
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Handful of Spinach Leaves
  • 2 Tbsp Chai Seeds

200pm– LUNCH!!!

Steamed Organic Broccoli – no need to measure, just throw in enough to fill the steamer

2 – Grilled Chicken Breast

Spill more of “Jack’s Special Salsa” on top of broccoli and chicken

1 Tbsp Udos Oil

400pm – Snack

Usually have a handful of mixed nuts

Or If training in afternoon – have a pre mixed workout smoothie consisting of:

  • 3 Scoopes Prograde Protein
  • 1 tbsp Almond Butter
  • 1 cup Almond Milk
  • Handful of Spinach Leaves

**Notice I have 1 more scoop of protein powder and another cucumber…  More fuel for the workout…

600pm – ANOTHER Snack/ Small Dinner

Mixed Salad Greens – Spinach, lettuce, sprouts, fresh broccoli, cauliflower

Top salad with:

  • Grilled Chicken Breast or Ground Turkey
  • Black Beans
  • Macadamia Nut Oil
  • Mrs. Dash’s SALT-FREE tomato basil spice

830pm – DINNER!!!

More Steamed Broccoli or mixed veggies– again, there’s no need to measure, just throw in enough to fill the steamer or more…

Grilled Chicken Breast  OR 96% Lean Ground Turkey   OR a few Tilapia Loins

Spill more of “Jack’s Special Salsa” on top  (I LOVE this stuff!!!)

1 Tbsp Udos Oil

There it is!


Some days are a little different with my selections such as meats, veggies, ect.

That’s what it looks like Monday thru Friday.

Cheat Meals to get you SHREDDED…

I’ll have my fun on the weekends and Friday nights eating pretty much anything I want.  I have the a few drinks here and there too 😉

The secret drink to keep you LEAN and MEAN – Vodka waters…

NOW  – I DON’T go overboard.  I’m talking 2 or 3 meals over the weekend and just a few drinks.  Not binge all weekend long.

You’ll just feel like total shit.  Trust me…

What’s so crazy about these cheat meals, and this usually only works if you’re eating clean for 5-6 days in a row , is that  the influx of bad calories and sugar coming in from the crappy foods you eat will sky rocket your metabolism.

You’ll have some crazy energy!  It’s a great feeling!

In many instances, if you’re somewhat lean to begin with, you’ll look even leaner and more filled out!

My favorite thing to eat is The Kobe Burger from The Cheesecake Factory!!!  It’s the BOMB!!!  And I have the fries with it too with ranch dipping sauce!    Hmmmmmm…

When you train like a BEAST and eat CLEAN 85%-90% of the time, you can enjoy your burgers, pizza, and sometimes ice cream when you want to.

I think of it as rewards for being so discipline throughout the week.

But of course sometimes I slip up and have the occasional TCBY  or Cold Stone on a weeknight or even a burger during the week here and there.

The most important thing is to stick to is a solid plan.

What I’ve done is found a solid plan that fits me and my lifestyle well.

When I go grocery shopping, I know exactly what I need to get and I get in and out quick.

It’s a nice routine to have.

Look at the plan I have above and see if you can fit it into your lifestyle as well.

If not, there’s someway you can I’m sure of it!

Let me know if you have questions.



PS – Please leave your comments and send this to your friends and co-workers if you think this will be a benefit to them!

Paleo Diet
PPS – Need some unique recipe ideas for your Paleo meals??  I would highly recommend you check out The Paleo Recipe Book.  It’s stocked with well over 370 recipes!