I can remember how much I used to stress during the summer about how I needed to be in top condition when 2-a-day practices started.
If you played football, I’m sure you can relate. That is if you actually gave a sh*t…
Some guys on my team in college came into 2-a-day camp way out of shape.
It was like they didn’t even set foot on a football field.
They were slow and sloppy.
Pissed me off!
I wanted to win championships!
The summer time was the time to do it and make it happen!
For me, 2-a-day’s was a way to show off just how freaking hard I was working during the summer.
It was my time to MAKE A STATEMENT!
I’ll never forget the time when I was a freshman, I was coming into college football for the first time ever!
I was so freaking nervous I was working my butt off double time during the summer.
I had NO idea what to expect.
All I knew was I needed to be prepared, if anything OVER-prepared!
I ran sprints like it was my day job!
I did gasers til I dropped! Ran hills until the sun went down.
Sometimes I would purposely go out on the hottest day and run hills without bringing water with me.
It was sort of my way to punish myself I used to think.
I used to say to myself – I must run these hills without any water. That way when it comes down to being in a game and its crunch time, I would be OVER PREPARED and READY!
I used to do all sorts of things like that.
I would bring a stop watch and time myself to see how fast I could get up the hill. I would have “mini challenges” against myself making me beat my time every week.
If I ran a slower time, I would do more hills until I beat my best time.
I would get so frustrated sometimes I couldn’t beat my time.
I remember there were marks in the grass where I used to start because I would dig my feet into the ground so much that it just wore away and there was only dirt there.
I would start from that point in a 3 point stance and sprint up the hill until I passed a sprinkler head in the ground.
Those were my markers.
Oh those times were great!
I can surely attest that running those hills each week, helped increase my speed immensely! NO DOUBT about that!
the bottom line was I didn’t want to leave ANYTHING left to chance.
I wanted to show up to 2-a-day practices in the BEST DAMN SHAPE EVER!
My freshman year, the Seniors kind of got mad at me as I was running my sprints too fast.
We had to run 16 80 yard sprints in splits of 18 secs.
I was running mine in 10 secs.
They were getting pissed because I was “making everyone look bad”…
It’s not my fault I came in over prepared!
Being over prepared is GOOD!
Live Aggressive and Get Strong!
PS – Thanks for the emails and comments!!!
Keep them coming!
For questions – email me at theforgedathlete@gmail.com