Here’s a quick one for you.

Hit this after my main session yesterday to get some blood flowing and sweat dripping.

If you’re ever in a pinch for time (which I know a LOT of fellow DADS often times are) this will get you lit.

Here’s how it goes…

Do A Burpee then hit 3 Single Arm Swings.

Do Another Burpee then hit 3 Single Arm Swings on the opposite arm

Do another Burpee then hit 2 Single Arm Cleans.

Do another Burpee then hit 2 Single Arm Clean on the opposite arm.

Then, another Burpee + a Single-Arm Snatch.

Finally, another Burpee + a Single-Arm Snatch on the opposite arm.

That’s one “set”.

You’ll do 3 full sets and that makes a full Round.

Do 3 rounds.

Rest a good 1 minute or so between rounds.
