Aw, this week's Thursday Throwdown has got me beaten and bruised up!
Even though I kept it super short (only 6 mins), I'm feeling it.
The session I did before I hammered
I'll never stop loving the feel of a weighted barbell in my hands.
Ever since I started training with weights, I've always have had an obsession with barbell training.
I can remember
Some of the very best workouts I've ever done have come from not being in a gym.
In this day and time, way too many people lock themselves indoors in commercialized
With the release of my latest training program, The Aggressive Strength Method, there's been a TON of great feedback from all the bad-ass mo fo's out there that took action
One of the questions I often get asked is how I design my training programs.
While there are literally 1000’s of different ways you can design workouts effectively, I’m going to
I did a poll on my Facebook Fan Page yesterday asking what strength implement I should use for this week's Thursday Throwdown.
The choices were...
1A) Bodyweight ONLY
1B) Kettlebells ONLY
1C) Brute Force
Let's talk a little football.
It's that time of year... In Nebraska it's HOT as hell out, the humidity is absolutely ridiculous, but the smell of football is in the air!