Forged Strong

How to be a “gym-less” Badass

Some of the very best workouts I've ever done have come from not being in a gym. In this day and time, way too many people lock themselves indoors in commercialized
Forged Strong

How To Get Built Like Bane

So you want to know How To Get Built Like Bane? Well, let me first just say that last Friday I went to the new Batman, The Dark Knight Rises and
Forged Strong

The Aggressive Strength Method Q and A

With the release of my latest training program, The Aggressive Strength Method, there's been a TON of great feedback from all the bad-ass mo fo's out there that took action
Forged Strong

How To Become Badass Like Batman

If you've read my blog and have been following me for some time now, you would know I'm a HUGE nut when it comes to superhero's and comics. One of my
Forged Strong

Aggressive Strength Q and A

Last week I sent out an email to my newsletter asking YOU, my reader what you would like to know more about.  I asked YOU what type of questions you
Forged Strong

The Anatomy of An Aggressive Strength Session

One of the questions I often get asked is how I design my training programs. While there are literally 1000’s of different ways you can design workouts effectively, I’m going to
Forged Strong

Hardcore Football Training Tips

Let's talk a little football. It's that time of year...  In Nebraska it's HOT as hell out, the humidity is absolutely ridiculous, but the smell of football is in the air! I