I did a poll on my Facebook Fan Page yesterday asking what strength implement I should use for this week’s Thursday Throwdown.

The choices were…

1A) Bodyweight ONLY

1B) Kettlebells ONLY

1C) Brute Force Sandbag ONLY

1D) All Three! 

The final result…  ALL THREE! 

I had a feeling that this was going to be the winner and that feeling was 100% correct.  After-all, who doesn’t want to combine all three of these great methods of training?!

So, after I hit my strength session in the AM I headed over to a soccer field that’s close by to where I live.

The sun was out and the weather was absolutely perfect for a throwdown and to be honest, if I needed to, I could train like this everyday.

To be out in the elements crushing a workout with fresh air to breath and the sun shinning down on my back, there’s not much better!

I brought my skull kettlebell and my Brute Force Sandbag and quickly got to work.

For this week’s Throwdown, I used a nice little blend of bodyweight, sandbag, and kettlebell training

I did short 3 Min AMRAP sets of the follwing movements:

1A) Bear Crawl x 50 yards

2A) Sandbag Get Ups x 2 / Shoulder

3A) Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch x 3 / Arm

4A) 4 Burpees

My goal was to get to 5 total rounds of work completed in the least amount of 3 Min AMRAP rounds.

I would start a round and go as far through as many rounds as I could for 3 mins.  As soon as the 3 mins was up, I would stop there and take a 1 min mandatory break.  When that minute was up, I would begin another 3 min AMRAP set starting at where ever I left off on the last AMRAP set.

I did this until I got in 5 rounds total.  I lost track half way through so I think I ended up doing 6 Rounds total over Five 3 min AMRAP sets.

Here’s some highlights…

[embedplusvideo height=”253″ width=”400″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/EqAFgiLdFSI?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=EqAFgiLdFSI&width=400&height=253&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2571″ /]

This got pretty brutal after the first few rounds and the min rest between the AMRAP rounds started to feel more like 30 secs.

Overall, this was a great combination of kettlebell, sandbag, and bodyweight training.

I LOVE mixing these three types of training together as it’s a great way to train for strength, power, and conditioning all at once and as I mentioned on the video, when you train like I do, combining these three training methods together, you really push the mind as well as these workouts can get tough!

The kettlebells and sandbags are great for building up more strength and explosive power, but what I love the move is the oddness of the implements, especially the sandbags.

If I didn’t have my gym, I would be training like this all the time! 

I would have at least 2 kettlebells, my brute force sandbag (it’s easy to add and take weight away from it to make it bigger or lighter) and then I would hammer out my training sessions at playgrounds where I would have access to many different types of pull up, dip, and climbing bars.

Before I did have my gym, this is exactly what I did as I would load up my Jeep with a few bells, my sandbag, and then I would go to playgrounds, football fields, parks…

That’s all I needed at the time and the training was phenomenal!

Even now that I have my own gym, I still make sure to get outside and go 110% H.A.M. with workouts like this Throwdown. 

It’s quick workouts that these that keep me on progressing and more importantly, keep me entertained with my training as it’s not only good to get outside and train, but it’s also fun.

Sometimes you need to remove yourself from your gym workouts.  Take away the walls, the stuffy air, and even the loud music and just get outside and have at it!

It will give you some variety and your results will definitely show a difference.

If you’re looking for more workouts like this,  workouts that will push you to the edge not only physically, but mentally as well, check out my Bags, Bells, and Bodyweight Training System, which is completely structured around training with bodyweight, kettlebells, and sandbags.

The workouts contained within this system are some of my favorite workouts of all time, but some of them were the hardest as well 😉

Great stuff for sure!

I would like to hear your comments about this Throwdown.  Also, what type of workouts have YOU done outside before?  What were they and how did they make you feel?  Drop your comments below! 

Live and Train Aggressive!