This week has been NUTS.
Been getting a TON of great feedback from people who've grabbed my new system, The UNBREAKABLE BADASS Blueprint and I can't more jacked up about it.
It's time to get SERIOUSLY strong (or at least get challenged to do so).
My good buddy and fellow strength coach Tyler Bramlett is at it again as he just sent
You may be wondering what the heck a "strap workout" is.
Well, it's just another name I like to use for "suspension training".
I think it's got a nice ring to it.
Being a coach within the strength game, I'm always out trying pick up more information.
A few weeks back, I had the chance of being introduced to Logan Christopher of
A few weeks back I was introduced to a guy by the name of Logan Christopher thru my good buddy Tyler Bramlet.
After seeing a few of Logan's videos, I told
The following workout I swiped from OPERATION: Rogue Strength. It's Day #2 from Phase I.
This is one of my favorite programs ever which specializes in on training with just your
I get this question all the time...
"Travis, how much weight should I be using for this exercise?"
Here's my response:
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The only real load standards I
The Infamous 225 Pound Bench Press Test.
Have you heard of it?
Every year, 335 athletes are invited to the NFL combine where they take on a barrage of different strength, power,