Density training is one of the most demanding variations of training. It’s you against time to see how much you can get done. I hit a 20 min Density Crossfit Circuit just the other day that involved 3 movements.

  • Ring Muscle Ups x 2
  • Handstand Push Ups x 4
  • Full Kettlebell Swings x 6

My goal was to get 20 total rounds in 20 minutes but I failed.

I did increase my score from the last time I hit this workout though.

I got in 18 rounds + 2 Muscle Ups + 4 Handstand Push Ups + 1 Swing…

Last time I got in 16 rounds + 2 Muscle Ups + 4 handstand push ups + 3 swings…

Here’s the last 5 mins or so…


Improvement none the less but not where i want to be.

Always be improving right? There’s NO other way! Get Better of Fade in the wind…

As far as the movements I was using, each one is great at improving strength and power – which are both ESSENTIAL for fighters and wrestlers. The density sets really attack your mind as well.

As you get further and further into the session, you start to get fatigued and that’s when the mind becomes your BIGGEST weapon or enemy…

You have the choice to keep pushing hard or slow down.

It’s amazing what you can achieve if you push it beyond your comfort zone.

It’s workouts like these that help build that mental strength aside from all the physical benefits it supplies.

Get at it and make sure you hit the “like” button at the top of the post!

More HARDCORE training to come!

Live Aggressive and Get Strong!


PS – If you hit this workout, post your numbers in the comments!