If you missed Part I of the Gluten Free interview I did with Dr. Peter Osborne, make sure to check that out HERE first.

In part II we get right into some more great information that you’ll want to know especially if you’re SERIOUS about your training and results (which I know you are).

Here’s what Peter covers in Part II:

  • should EVERYONE go gluten-free?
  • can you go gluten FREE just 90% and be OK or does it have to be 100%
  • WHAT should you be eating?
  • If the foods “gluten-free” is it still good?
  • What type of carbs are BEST that aren’t filled gluten
  • The Gluten Free Challenge

Here’s part II:

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”500″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ZUhLmnI0T1E?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=ZUhLmnI0T1E&width=500&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6126″ /]

Now, I can remember the first time I met Peter…

I was stuffing my face with a dessert and after finding out about him being “The Gluten-Free Warrior” I just felt his laser beam like gaze on me as I ate that cream filled crepe.

Seriously, I was smashing a HUGE plate full of a cream cheese filled crepe and I think I even had a brownie on there as well.

All I could think about was him judging me and thinking to himself, “This idiot is seriously messing his body up”.

Now obviously, he wasn’t really thinking that nor was he even judging me nor did I care if he was judging me.

Bottom line is, Peter is a freakin’ SMART dude with a TON knowledge.  Other then just learning more about the effect gluten has on your body, I’ve discovered a ton of other great info from Peter since having met him and being apart of his Gluten-Free Society.

The two videos that I’ve shared with you are only skimming the surface.

The man is on a MISSION to fight gluten and so far, he’s helped 1000’s of people change their lives.

I would definitely follow up with what Peter has to offer and check out his FREE resources at www.Gluten-FreeWarrior.com

If you have any questions, post them up in the comments below!

Live and Train Aggressive!

PS – Check out The Gluten-Free SOLUTION for a step-by-step system that will detoxify your body and improve your overall health and fitness results.

Cutting Gluten out of your diet will make a 110% difference overtime.

Find out how to do it step-by-step >>> GLUTEN-FREE SOLUTION