I’m just about off and out the door to get myself on the road towards Chicago where I’ll be going H.A.M. at the North Central CrossFit Regionals.

This will be one helluva challenge, but  I feel as ready as I can be so I’m going in it with a positive and unbeatable mindset.  All I can do is worry about me and what I can get done myself.  In these workouts, I have no control over anyone else but myself so, it will be up to me and me alone to perform at my best levels.

Since I’ll be gone, I thought I would let my friend, Mike Whitfield of www.KillerWorkoutFinishers.com, take over for a bit and drop a guest blog for you crazy mo fo’s out there.

Mike and I have been in close contact over the past few weeks working on a secret project and with this, we’ve launched a Hardcore Workout Finisher’s Challenge to get people ready for what’s to come.

Check out the Thursday Throwdown Challenge plus all the great info Mike’s got about finishers below…


Travis and I have gotten to know each other for several months now.  He is as passionate about being the best you can be and giving your training your all and going H.A.M. as I am about using metabolic workout finishers.

So, he and I decided to put something amazing together.  More on that in due time my friend… dramatic pause… in due time…

Finishers are designed to do many things, depending on how they are written, but the way Travis and I write them for freaks like you is to accomplish things like this:

  • Put on lean muscle without adding on extra “fat” weight
  • Increase conditioning while gaining muscle mass simultaneously (yes, it can be done) – After all, what’s the point of being jacked up and ripped when you have a hard time getting up the stairs?
  • Increased power

Yeah Man, But What Exactly is A Metabolic Workout Finisher?

A metabolic finisher is a combination of strength training and conditioning.  It’s like putting salsa on your eggs.  It makes eggs awesome.  Finishers make your workouts even more awesome.

Metabolic finishers are designed to complement and enhance your main strength-training program. Finishers typically last around 4-10 minutes, depending on exercises, reps, sets and the setup.  They are done after your main workout, hence the name “Finishers”.  Yeah, it is brilliant.

They are typically supersets and/or circuits of bodyweight moves, and can include kettlebells, stability balls, straps, battling ropes, sleds, etc., etc.

The best way to describe it is to live it.  So, let’s do one…

Do This Finisher At the End of Your Next Workout


1A) Burpee Pull Ups x 10

1B) Goblet Squat w/ 40 lbs x 30

1C) Hand Release Push Ups x 30

1D) Burpee Chin Up x 10

1E) Goblet Lunge x 20 / Leg

1F) Mountain Climber x 15 / Side

1G) Jacks x 100

Do that as fast as possible.  Make sure to film it and post up your results in the comments below.

If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s The Hardcore 250 and we’re having a bit of a Hardcore Workout Finishers Challenge to go along with it.

If you want to find out more info on that, check out this blog post for more details

So yep, that’s how you finish your workout and keep the fat at bay while packing on lean muscle and building some serious levels of power and conditioning.  That’s how it’s done.

Metabolic finishers have actually been used for years, but have made a splash in the fitness world recently. This is due to the physical and mental challenges they bring, adding a whole new dynamic to your workouts, as well as the faster results you get from them.

The investment of time and effort made to complete one is worth it due to the conditioning benefits, and you shred off the fat while packing on muscle.

So whether you are trying to get jacked up and ripped and don’t want to expand your waist line or you’re an athlete looking for the edge to pack on some muscle without sacrificing your every day functioning and conditioning, you’ll find finishers will be a staple in your program.

Question: Can I Use Metabolic Finishers as My Main Workout?

The fast answer – NO.

Here’s why – the metabolic finisher is designed to enhance your main workout, not replace it.

I like analogies, so let’s use one…. I like omelets (who doesn’t?). The eggs of your omelet are your main workout program. It’s the foundation. The metabolic finisher is the combination of the cheese, mushrooms and seasonings. They simply make the omelet better. That’s exactly how metabolic finishers work.

And just being honest here, using soley finishers will NOT put on lean muscle – they are designed to shred fat, build conditioning, and increase mental toughness all while you put on muscle.

Question: What Equipment is Used with Metabolic Finishers?

The possibilities are endless. Many well-written and effective metabolic finishers can involve just using your own bodyweight. That means you can do them anywhere without having to hunt down any equipment.

Finishers can also involve dumbbells, stability balls, kettlebells, barbells and more. The great thing is that you can substitute certain exercises to cater to what you have available.

My favorite metabolic finishers usually involve a combination of dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. Thanks to the variety of reps, sets, and rest periods, you can virtually use a new finisher every time you work out.

But the “hardcore finishers” that Travis and I like to write are… well, hardcore. 

These kinds of finishers use the big boy toys like battling ropes, tires, sleds, kettlebells and more.  After all, just because you’re jacked, doesn’t mean you can’t walk to the mailbox and back without being out of breath.  Finishers will fix that.  Here is Travis being obsessed, jacked and hardcore all at the same time.  It’s what the cool kids do, too.

 The Metabolic Finisher Advantage

When you start using finishers in your program, expect to increase your conditioning, athleticism, mental toughness, and even get shredded while putting on muscle at the same time.  You bet your right butt cheek you can do both at the same time.

Finish Strong,

Mikey, CTT

Author, Workout Finishers


Big thanks to Mikey for sending me that killer write up.

I think Mike pretty much said it all right there!

Make sure to hit up the CHALLENGE THROWDOWN from above and post up your results in the comments!

FASTEST time will WIN the whole Hardcore Workout Finishers Package (Details coming soon)!

DEADLINE to send in your results is this Sunday @ 5pm CST.

Live Aggressive and Get Strong!