So I wanted to catch up from where I left off from my last post.

I was talking about when my “transformation” finally began.

I was in the 8th grade when I could REALLY start to tell the difference strength training was having on my performance and physique.

I was overpowering guys out on the mat with ease.

Football was going very well!

I started to take a HUGE liking to training in general.

I started to do two-a-days in the gym.

We would have our morning sessions for training, then I would sometimes come back in after lunch or before practices to get bicep curls in, abs, and pull ups.

I know extra sets of bicep curls and abs aren’t going to do you that much good as an athlete but at the time, I didn’t know and didn’t care!

For all I knew, doing that was going to get me faster, stronger, and bigger!

At home I would do wheel rollouts at lunch for sets of 50 for 3 sets.

It became a ritual…  Before I could eat anything, I would have to do my ab rollouts first.

I became obsessed!

I started doing pushups before I went to bed, just like Dan Gable used to do.

I would do sets of 50 until I couldn’t do anymore!

I would do crunches as I watched TV.

It was an endless stream of always moving and training.

When we went on vacation, or even on school trips, I would get so irritated if I didn’t get to train, I would go nuts!

I remember this one time; it was a school trip to Colorado.  We were there for 3 days and 2 nights.

I was so frustrated because there wasn’t a gym close by.

So I searched around the church.   Finally  I found a bathroom stall in the church we were staying in and I did 5 quick sets of pull ups on it.

I wanted to get them in quick before anyone came in and saw me.

This lasted all up through high school.

Another time I can remember was when we were in Scottsbluff, a small town way out in western NE for a baseball tournament.

Our games got rained out two days in a row.

As everyone else was watching TV and playing video games all day, I had to get out of the room and train!

I went down to the fitness room and hit a hard training session consisting of a circuit of squat jumps, pushups, lat pull downs, curl bar high pulls, and step ups.

I remember that training day real well!

I also remember, right after I got done,  having a talk with one of my teammates dads about how he thought I shouldn’t lift so much because I would lose flexibility in my upper body…

Ha I thought, shut the F up!!

There are just so many more stories and I’m excited to tell you all in the future!

Crazy training stories.

Ah memories!

LOTS more to come!


1A) 1 Arm DB Snatch 5 x 5

2A) Sumo DL w/ Bands 6 x 3

2B) Box Jumps @ 36′ 5 x 2, 1 x 6 rapid fire

3A) DB Push Press 3 x 8-12

3B) Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 20

For Time – Max Rounds In 5 Mins

4A) Rope Climb x 16 ft – NO Feet

4B) Handstand Push Up x 5

4C) Overhead Squat x 5 @ 115

Got 3 rounds + 1 rope climb ==>  MUST IMPROVE!

Live Life Aggressive and GET STRONG!


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