About a week ago when I interviewed “The Pull Up Queen”, Shawn Kaminski, I asked her if she would throw together a quick “challenge workout” style throwdown for my readers and I.

What she did was grab one of her pre-done workouts taken from her NEW training program, Challenge Fatloss

The quick workout is called, The “Pull Up Punisher”

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”500″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/PrwDP4X9tnQ?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=PrwDP4X9tnQ&width=500&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4173″ /]

This simple (but NOT easy) challenge only takes 4 mins.

Here’s how it goes:

1A) 1 Min AMRAP of Pull Ups

30 sec REST

2A) 1 Min AMRAP Squat Jump Pull Up

30 sec REST

3A) Burpee Pull Ups

SCORE = Total Amount of Reps you bang out over the THREE 60 sec AMRAP sets.

I liked this one because as I mentioned in the video how I never usually do any sort of “jumping pull up” variations so the new movements were fun and challenging to add in.

Burpee Pull Ups I’ve done a few times before, but never a “Squat Jump Pull Up”.

What I like most about these movements is the athletic/coordination factor they add to this quick challenge workout.

Jumping and grabbing a bar requires a bit more coordination and athleticism then just doing a regular pull up requires.

With this, if you wanted to add in more of a “POWER Factor” to this workout you could use a TALLER pull up bar which would force you to jump a bit higher for each rep on both the jump squat pull ups and the burpee pull ups.  This of course would help increase the overall metabolic demand and intensity of the workout making it even better 😉

Hmmmm…  Some things to add in for next time….

Either way, give this one a try and see what you can knock out.  Post up your RESULTS in the comments below!

ALSO,  get access to a boat load more of challenge workouts just like this one which are fast, effective, and hardcore, check out Challenge Fatloss.

Live and Train Aggressive!