Thought I’d give you a little taste of my new program I designed with Joe Meglio.

I went ahead and did the High Performance Conditioning Finisher taken from Week 5, Day 1 within Strong and Shredded.

I didn’t want to do this one again which is why I picked it.

Suffer through the pain to GAIN.

This one was tough and I had to push through “that feeling”.

Definitely a challenge.

Grab a seat, mix up a protein shake and enjoy.

When you’re done watching, go hit this one up yourself!

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Jb86bufRnf8&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5013″ /]

Here’s the whole session layout that I did before I cranked out the Strong and Shredded finisher…

1A) Mixed Grip Weighted Pull Ups 5 x 3

2A) Power Snatch 2 reps E.M.O.T.M. x 5 mins

3A) Snatch Grip Deadlifts 4 x 3
3B) Single Arm KB Press 4 x 5 / arm
3C) Hang Clean Pulls 4 x 3

4A) HPCF Throwdown

A) Max Set of Pull Ups x 1 min

***Rest x 1 Min

B) 30-20-10 reps of each:

a) KB Swing

b) Push Ups

c) Toes 2 Bar

***Rest x 1 min

C) Max Set of Pull-Ups x 1 min

This Finisher was definitely a challenge due to all of the previous pulling movements I did within the beginning of the session.

It’s like I say though, train to be prepared for anything…

You’ll notice I have weighted pull ups in BEFORE my Olympic Lifting portion of the session.

Most coaches would say that is not how to do it, but I purposely designed it that way so that when I did the snatches I would be a little bit fatigued from the pull ups.  Doing this will help get used to training Olympic Lifts while I’m a bit fatigued.

Just know the when and why in regards to my Oly lifts is a  whole other post on its own which I’ll share with you in the near future 😉

For now, hit up the High Performance Conditioning Finisher I’ve got for you up above then make sure to post up your results in the comments below as well. 

I want to start seeing some more participation!

If you’re reading my blogs, watching my videos, and following along its time you get in the game and stop sittin’ on your ass 😉

I want to see YOUR results  and hear your feedback.  Get active in the comments and let me know.

Don’t just sit in the shadows like most people do.

Get involved and you’ll push yourself to new levels.

Trust me 😉

Live and Train Aggressive!

PS – If you’re wanting 15 more High Performance Conditioning Finishers + a FULL 42 Day Program, you’ll definitely want to check out my NEW training system – Strong and Shredded

You’ll be put to the test 😉

PLUS, you can get in on a FREE coaching call with Joe Meglio and I as a special BONUS (LESS then 25 spots left!) ==>  CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO