I got a few emails the other day that put me over the edge a bit…

I talk about one of them in this video…

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/q9SRlVsMyi0?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=q9SRlVsMyi0&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8406″ /]

What do YOU think?

Are we getting a bit too spoiled in this day and age?

I say you’ve got to take it back to the “Hardcore” every now and then…

Here’s some tips on doing just that:

  • Get out in the elements and train at least 1 time a week – hit up a playground workout, do sprints and animal movements on a football field, go climb a tree, push your car or truck down the street and back, just get outside and train!
  • STOP complaining and tough through it – every time you complain, you owe yourself 50 burpees for being negative.  For some people, their going to owe a sh*t ton of burpees at the end of the day…  DON’T let this person be YOU!
  • Train with odd objects that not only challenge you physically, but mentally as well such as kettlebells, sandbags, rocks, ect.
  • Get yourself away from any SOFT environments you may train in now.  If you have to, build up your own personal garage gym so that you can create your own “Aggressive Strength” environment.
  • Always keep your goals in the front of your mind – this will push you past “tough times”
  • Just think: It could always be worse.   Be thankful for what you have at that very moment instead of focusing on what you don’t have.
  • Find a training partner or hire a coach that will keep you accountable and help push you so you can’t go soft on yourself

Bottom line – it comes down to YOU and your mindset and the perception you have of different things.

Let me know if the comments how you feel about this.

Live and Train Aggressive!