Coming up on October 26th I’ve committed to doing a Spartan ULTRA Race.

It’s a 30 mile race with 60 obstacles.

Making this commitment was scary AF, but I’m ready for the challenge this is going to bring me.

I’ll be changing up my training to prep for the race, but I won’t be doing it as most guys would.

I won’t be doing hours of cardio or tons of long runs.

Instead, I’ll be keeping my focus dialed in on STRENGTH and POWER with a solid addition of aerobic-based capacity work.

To make things interesting, the week before the race, I’ll be having the Forged FATHER SUMMIT at my gym which will be a two-day event for the dads inside my VIP coaching group.

We’ll be spending two full days together masterminding on all things kicking ass in life…

On Saturday we’ll be doing a 4-event throwdown to test our fitness via raw strength, power, endurance, and mental toughness.

My goal for the raw strength portion is the following…

550 Deadlift
275 Push Press
445 Back Squat (we’ll be testing the Front Squat, but I’ve made it a goal to hit 445 Back Squat)

So, this means I not only need to be ready for this 30 mile race, but I’ve gotta be STRONG as well.

I’ve already started to ramp things up, but I officially start “Forged SPARTAN” on Monday, Aug 18th.

This is going to be TOUGH, but I’m excited as hell.

But WHY??

The answer to that lies within the PRESSURE and LEVERAGE that will be created by setting the bar HIGH for myself.

If your goals don’t scare the hell outta you, you’ll never be forced to grow and expand beyond the norm.

I HATE the norm and I REFUSE to BE AVERAGE.

Time to get after it and see what I’m capable of…

=== Forged FATHER Resources ===

Join Travis’ High-Level Private Coaching Group, “The Forged FATHER Project” – For DRIVEN DAD’s ONLY…



In need of Fast And Effective Workouts?

Gain access to Travis’ weekly programming, “Forged STRONG” to receive exclusive workouts, bonus programs, nutrition systems, the private coaching community, “Forged STRONG”, and more by visiting the link below…



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