comes to achieving more success within your training, nothing’s
more important to have than the ambition and drive to work hard.That’s a given, but it’s not always about just straight up
grind-mode hard work.
While it’s a must to have, it’s NOT everything.
Truth is, a lot of people work hard, but the results they see in
return are sometimes mediocre at best.
Because let’s think about this for a second.
If you’re going to be putting in some serious effort, you’ll want
to see a solid amount of results in return right?
And these results you see in return you’ll want to be better than
“just mediocre” correct?
Because if you’re just grinding away doing a bunch of random
workout’s of the day that have no rhyme or reason to them other
then to “beat you up”, then that hard work you’re putting in is
going to be wasted.
That’s why it’s not just about hard work.
Instead, to make hard work really “work”, you’ll want to combine
it with a potent set-up of strategic training methods.
This brings me to the message I have for you today because if
you’re busting your ass, the last thing I want to see is YOU
getting mediocre results at best.
Screw that!
What I’m going go over here with you here is a powerful method
of training that I know with take your results to the next level.
I’ve got a whole bunch of these I’ll be sharing that my client has Neal
used to achieve some of his amazing results:
Check it:

bit surprised.
I’ve exchanged emails with Neal a few times here and there and even
did a Strategy Session with him so I knew the hard work and drive
was there.
The big difference was how he applied his hard work towards a
strategic plan and set-up of training.
So, let me tell you more about “SUBMAX” Training
Now, when I refer to “submax” training I mean to avoid going to
This can be applied to any type of training – weighted or
unweighted, but is mostly effective when applied to unweighted,
bodyweight only training.
The best way to keep your progress going further while avoiding
plateaus or set backs is to keep your reps under you maximum limit
or avoiding complete failure.
If you’re new to this concept, you’ll probably not understand, but
trust me, leave a few reps left in your tank when doing different
movements such as pushups, pull ups, and rows.
It’s simple… when you get close to failure, cut the set off
there because it’s better to stay fresh and keep your movements
crisp and explosive then to try and grind out just a few more reps.
When you start to grind, that when things get ugly.
Form breaks down, you start producing more lactic acid, and your
recovery time increases by a TON.
To give you an example, let’s think about these two situations:
[Train to Failure Method] – You have 3 sets of pull ups to do.
On the first set you do an all-out max set to failure and get 10
The last 3 or so where pretty iffy and not fully strict.
You had to cheat a bit to get them, but you got ’em.
Next set you only get 5 reps, but they were an UGLY 5.
Third set you can barely get 3, but you again grind out 2 more reps
at the end with the last one being a total cheat rep.
So, your total reps for the 3 sets is 18 reps + 2 “half reps”.
Each set went to total failure so the next day you’re pretty sore.
Recovery time for that workout has now increased to a few days
because you went to complete failure on each set which results in
messing up the next few training sessions as well.
Not the BEST use of your hard work.
Now, let’s switch things up and go like this…
[SUBMAX Training Method] – You have 3 sets of pull ups to do.
On the first set you STOP short of failure and crank out a solid 7
All reps were crisp and high quality.
No cheating at all.
On the second set you get another solid 7 reps.
Feeling strong.
With only the 3rd set left, you crank out a solid 6 reps, plus
grind out a 7th and 8th rep to end things out strong.
When everything’s all said and done, you end up with 22 total reps.
While your “effort” wasn’t to failure you still managed to get MORE
And since you kept yourself fresh and only pushed the limit on
the final set, you didn’t tax your body out as bad as you could
This leaves you feeling STRONGER than when you first
And your recovery time doesn’t take as long because you didn’t
completely kill yourself in your session so the next few days of
training aren’t effected.
Best case scenario is you continue this process week after week and
see gains like you’ve never seen gains before.
It’s all about consistent progress overtime.
This might mean you add in 1 or 2 reps to your pull ups each week.
Small gains are still GAINS.
What would you rather have?
In any case, that’s the POWER of what submax training can have on
you and your results.
movements is when it’s your last set on a particular movement and
you’re looking to test out or break a past record.In time, you’ll feel and see the difference in what submax training
can truly do for you.
I’ll be back again with another powerful training strategy for
you to use within your training, but for now, if you got any questions,
just post up within the comments below.
Live and Train (Smart)!
PS – I say it’s time for YOU to take things to the next level like
my man Neal did.
Here’s the exact system he used that transformed him from the
inside out.
Just note, you’ll have to WORK HARD.
The plan has been laid out for you.
All you have to do is EXECUTE and EARN the results 😉
Are YOU ready to EARN IT?
>>> CLICK HERE if you’re ready