What I’m about to talk about may seem counter productive to you, but this concept is greatly needed in order to getting yourself STRONGER.

Yesterday I sent out a message that went over the BIG 4 “Must Do’s” in order to build more athletic which were…

The BIG 4:

1 – Always Train for STRENGTH
2 – Always Train for POWER
3 – Keep Your CONDITIONING LAST (and keep it “chaotic”)
4 – CYCLE your training with planned “DE-LOAD” weeks.

That right there is the formula to transforming you into a BADASS.

Now, a question that I’ve often gotten back is that of people wanting to know WHY I use special recovery / “de-load” weeks.

People ask…

“Why you cutting back on your intensity?”

“I thought you wanted to go 110% H.A.M. all the time??”

YES.  You want to train at a HIGH-INTENSITY at all times, but there’s some guidelines you should stick by for BEST results.

I explain WHY you need to do de-load week in today’s quick video plus talk about some other useful tips to get your stronger and more BADASS in the video below…

[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”500″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1caXdqJ” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/t5RNR1kQmDw?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=t5RNR1kQmDw&width=500&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3758″ /]

Main Keys To De-Loading Weeks:

  • Avoid total failure (includes bodyweight movements, max load lifting)
  • Avoid heavy loading of the spine (no max effort deadlifts or squats)
  • Keep INTENSITY HIGH, but don’t over do it – know your limits
  • Train using Full Body sessions w/ lots of bodyweight, light Barbell, DB, KB, or Sandbag work
  • Get OUT of the gym – go play a sport, ride a bike, swim, or do something else other than training in a gym.  Go be an ATHLETE!

Sample De-Load Week Schedule:

Monday – Full Body High Intensity Intervals w/ Sled Work
-avoid going to failure on all movements used
-can blend together lightly weighted movements with DB, KB, Sandbags, or even Barbell work with bodyweight movements
-push / pull sled for added volume and conditioning

Tuesday – Active Rest (light running, sprints, sled work, bike ride, long walk) 15-20 Mins Mobility / Soft Tissue Work

Wednesday – Full Body Light Circuit Training + Sled Work
-only submax sets used – void failure at all costs
-can blend together lightly weighted movements with DB, KB, Sandbags, or even Barbell work with bodyweight movements
-push / pull sled for added volume and conditioning

Thursday – Active Rest (light running, sprints, sled work, bike ride, long walk) 15-20 Mins Mobility / Soft Tissue Work

Friday -Same as Monday/Wednesday OR use this day as a “testing” day for max effort tests or lifts.
-Good day for testing because body is usually well rested up from light training / recovery work done Mon/Wednesday plus you give yourself 2 full rest days right after before starting your next phase. All depends on your overall goal and training set up.

Sat / Sunday – Active Rest (light running, sprints, sled work, bike ride, long walk) 15-20 Mins Mobility / Soft Tissue Work – PREPARE for NEW Phase on Monday!

Always feel free to drop your comments, questions, and thoughts below.

Live and Train Aggressive!