I have a success story to share with you today.
This is Wyatt and I’ll tell you, I couldn’t be more proud of this freaking guy.
We recently connected and did a full-on success interview to cover his story so far…
He’s the perfect example of what it takes to MAKE A CHANGE.
When Wyatt first began with us 7 months back, he was in terrible shape.
Not only physically, but mentally as well.
He used to struggle with back problems to the point that it would be a chore just get up off the couch and walk to the
On top of this, he was working 7-days a week to supply for his family which constantly kept him tired and run-down.
It got to the point where he had to take time off work which wasn’t good because he’s his own boss.
When he wasn’t working, he wasn’t producing.
On top of all of this, in his words, he was an A-hole and not too pleasant to be around.
He was constantly in a bad mood, snappy, and just felt angry and short-tempered.
He wasn’t confident, his health was on the decline, and Wyatt was headed down a treacherous path.
At his heaviest, he was 255 lbs.
Then, Wyatt made an important decision.
He COMMITTED to The Forged FATHER and went 110% on taking back control of his life.
Fast forward to TODAY, Wyatt has lost 49 lbs.
His back problems are GONE.
His mindset has changed as he now has more energy, he’s happier, and driven to take consistent action each and every day.
He’s stronger, leaner, and fitter than ever.
He was the WINNER of “The Forged GAMES” that we had just a few weeks back where over the span of 12 weeks, he LOST weight and body fat, but also got stronger and fitter in the process.
In addition, professionally, Wyatt’s but his overall hours in half and is now making MORE money than he was before.
Which means he’s now able to spend more time with family.
All great things!
When you MAKE THE COMMITMENT, amazing changes will happen.
=== Forged FATHER Resources ===
Join Travis’ High-Level Private Coaching Group, “The Forged FATHER Project” – For Ex-Athlete DAD’s who are driven to lose 20-30 lbs and DESTROY THE DAD BOD ONLY…
APPLY HERE –> http://bit.ly/ffthemethod
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Gain access to Travis’ weekly programming, “Forged STRONG” to receive exclusive workouts, bonus programs, nutrition systems, the private coaching community, “Forged STRONG”, and more by visiting the link below…
Have QUESTIONS? Ask Travis your QUESTIONS HERE and he’ll answer it for you on the podcast
To Apply For Coaching With Travis, visit – http://bit.ly/ffthemethod