Forged Strong

3 Years and 39 Lessons – Part I

So it's been 3 Years since I opened up my gym, The Forged Athlete. It's been a great 3 years with lots of ups and a few downs here and there,
Forged Strong

The 7’s Throwdown

It's been a hectic week over at The Forged Athlete, AKA "Train Aggressive HQ" as there's been lot's and lot's of great things going on that I can't wait to
Forged Strong

My Thoughts and Review of Eating For Energy

Since sharing the interview I did with Yuri Elkaim, who's the current Head Strength, Conditioning, and Nutrition Coach for the University of Toronto Men's Soccer program there's been a ton
Forged Strong

How To INCREASE Your Energy With Yuri Elkaim

Just the other day I had the privilege of interviewing my friend and fellow strength and conditioning specialist, Yuri Elkaim. I met Yuri about a year ago and since then we've
Forged Strong

Free-Style Friday

I just finished up a NEW Aggressive Strength Method training phase this week and so I decided for today's session, I would do a little bit of freestylin' before I
Forged Strong

How to be a “gym-less” Badass

Some of the very best workouts I've ever done have come from not being in a gym. In this day and time, way too many people lock themselves indoors in commercialized
Forged Strong

20 Minute Throwdown

This week's Thursday Throwdown in short was an absolute killer! 20 Minutes of Hard Work.  That's it.  Just 20 mins. Here's how it went down... [embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=2krcgPE4l6Y&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep3783" /] So, E.M.O.T.M.
Forged Strong

Fear: The Ultimate Driver For Success

In life, everyone has FEAR. Everyone gets scared and if you're someone that says you never do, well you're lying and more importantly, you're not living life! In this post I want