So about 3 months ago I received a text message with a list of different movements on it.

At first I didn’t know what to think, but then I got the follow up message…

The follow up message said, “Can you get 400 total reps or more?  Go 110% H.A.M. with these and let me know how you do bro!”

These were a few of the messages that came from a whole string of texts my buddy Tyler Bramlet sent me.

In short, my buddy Tyler was calling me out.

Well, me being the training freak I am, I wasn’t about to pass up a good strength training challenge 😉

So I gladly accepted!

[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”500″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=agfSp0s6rdk&width=500&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6148″ /]

The Set Up?

–> Count your total reps on every movement and every round (just keep counting up).

–> Do 30 seconds at each station, no rest in between exercises and rest 1 minute between rounds. Repeat for 4 total rounds.

The Challenge?

–> To get to 400 reps or more on the following movements:

1A) Handstand Pushup
1B) Kipping Pullups
1C) Double Unders
1D) Hanging Toes To Bar
1E) Lateral Explosive Pushups (jumping from side to side in the pushup)
1F) Goblet Jump Squats
1G) One Arm Snatches Right (lighter dumbbell or kettlebell and go for speed 50lb DB or 24k KB)
1H) One Arm Snatches Left

Here’s how it went down…ct-50 workout

As you might have seen in the video, Round 1 went real smooth then it got serious.

They say the “real fight” don’t start until you get tired….

Ain’t that the TRUTH.

In the end, I was able to crank out 511 total reps…

And I’ll be the first to say that this was definitely NOT easy, but I never ask for EASY!

What about you?

You want easy or do you want a bit of a challenge?

So how about it…  Are YOU up for the challenge?

I say it’s time you take it on to see what type of score YOU can achieve.

After you crank this nasty little 20 min challenge out, make sure to let me know how you finished up in the comments below.

I’m truly looking forward to your results 😉

And as I always say…

Time to Go 110% H.A.M.

Live and Train Aggressive!

PS – See what else The CT-50 System has to bring your way!

  • 50 Progressively-Built, High Intensity Cross Training Workouts
  • FULL In-Depth Instruction Demo Videos
  • FULL Follow Along Workout Videos
  • Plus more!

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 CT-50 (SICK Hybrid of Cross Training and Progressive Movement)