So, while out here in Vegas I stopped by Randy Couture’s Gym , Extreme Couture.

Pretty kickass place for sure.

extreme couture gym

We got in a little late and they has a metabolic conditioning class that started up in the main weight training area so they booted us out.

Instead of calling it quits, I stole one of their kettlebells and found a small space where we could crank out this nasty, but super effective “Anywhere” kettlebell complex.

Check it…

[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”500″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=7pNkOnDN4cU&width=500&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6609″ /]

5 Rounds Of:

a) 5 x KB Snatch
b) 5 x KB Push Press
c) 5 x KB Front Squat
d) 5 x KB Russian Swing
***Switch arms and repeat on other side.

Rest only as much as needed between rounds and then repeat!

Push the pace on this one and get after it.

Next time you’re short on time, grab a Kettlebell or a Dumbbell and get to work 😉

Live and Train Aggressive!

PS – Just to let you know, I took this from a SECRET project I’ve been working on for a while now that’s about to be unleashed here soon.

All you’ll need is a few kettlebells, your own bodyweight, a pull up bar, and 24 minutes.

More info coming soon!