I got a full body kettlebell training session for you to hit.
The design of this overall workout is primary on metabolic conditioning.
Not a ton of focused strength work, but you’ll still indirectly work it.
Now, before anything, make sure to warm yourself up and get in a nice sweat.
For this, use one of my favorite go-to “bare-bones” warm ups…
After that, we’ll move into the first piece which is a simple, 15 minute AMRAP.
Can you finish in 18 Mins or less??
That’s the time cap for this set up.
15 Rounds Of The Following:
1 KB Devil’s Clean and Press / Arm @ 53lbs
10 V-Sit Reaches
10 Sit Outs (5/Side)
The first couple of rounds will pass by rather “easy” then it’ll get real.
Give this a go and see what you got.
If you’re a BEAST and you want an “RX+ Option”, use a 70 lbs KB w/ T2B instead of V-Sit Reaches
Now, after you get that done, finish off with this “Clean and Carry” Complex…
Start with… 4 Start-Stop KB Power Clean Right Into…
6 Front Rack Squat Right Into…
4 Single Arm Push Press Right Into…
60ft OH Carry Right Into…
120ft Rack Carry Switch arms then repeat on the other side.
Rest a solid 90 sec then hit another round.
Do a total of 6 rounds per arm.
One finished with both of those, you’ll be feeling like a champ.
Kettlebell Training Programs and Resources

High-Level Coaching For The EX-Athlete DAD
If you’re a DRIVEN DAD and you want in-depth support and coaching to help you destroy the DAD BOD for good so you can look and feel your best, apply at the link below…