I love getting outside and running around.
The great thing about kettlebells is that you can take them ANYWHERE with you. This is great when you want to roll out to the park or open football field.
I often hit up workouts at the local high school football field because I love getting out of the gym and being “FREE”.
Too many athletes stay inside under heavy weights and even machines.
After a while, this type of training will strip the athleticism right out from under you.
You’ve got to keep athletic by doing challenging workouts that force you to move around with mobility and quickness.
Sprinting, jumping, and moving side to side will help increase athleticism in ANYONE.
In my opinion, everyone training seriously HARDCORE needs to be training like an ATHLETE!
This includes field days like the one I’m speaking about.
The main reason I’m bringing this up is because I get asked a lot about how to improve athletic performance.
My answer – train for speed and quickness at least 2 times a week minimum!

On top of training like this, you’ll get jacked up and ripped!
I hit a nice little “open field” Kettlebell and Quickness workout on this day.
I captured it on film for your viewing pleasure!
Grab a kettlebell or even a dumbbell and find a nice open field and hit this workout!
Oh, and if you’re a SERIOUS ATHLETE looking to really improve you quickness, agility, and speed, there’s a badass program that just got re-released called “Truth About Quickness 2.0“.
I got version 1.0 sitting on my shelf right next to me. It’s a hell of an investment for athletes wanting a program to follow that will help them jump higher, run faster, and be quicker.
I would strongly advise that IF you’re looking to get faster, quicker, and more agile, you take a look ==> www.forgedspeedandquickness.com
Now check out this video:
Keep training like it’s your last time!
Live Aggressive and Get Strong!
PS – For SERIOUS Athlete’s wanting a follow-along, “done-for-you” speed and quickness system – check this out ==> www.forgedspeedandquickness.com