It was last Sunday night that I sent my man Dan Long, AKA “Mr. Kill Mode” a text asking him if he would like to come up with this week’s Thursday Throwdown since he was Re-Launching his best-selling program, Suspension Revolution.

This is how it went down..

Me – Yo BEAST Mania…  Can I get a SICK Throwdown from u for this week’s blog???

Dan – Will send it over in a bit.  It will be SICK bro!

Me – Cool.  Can’t wait

Dan – Just sent it.  Check your email and BUCKLE UP!  Time for KILL MODE!

Me – BOOM!  Gonna be HAM bro

Dan – YES it WILL!

Here’s what he sent me…

kill mode 2.0


I took a few looks at this and was BLOWN away.

I knew I had just set myself up for some serious stuff 😉

That’s what going 110% H.A.M. and KILL MODE is all about!

Here’s the highlights…

[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=fSjkA3BOkmE&width=450&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4769″ /]

Now this was one hell of a CORE INTENSIVE Throwdown for sure.

Your abs are going to be lit up plus not to mention your shoulders, chest, legs, EVERYTHING will be on fire.

That’s exactly what Suspension Training will do – LIGHT YOU UP!

If you got the guts, give this one a try or at least attempt to get in all of the work within the 6 min Time Cap.

I wasn’t even close!  Took me just under 15 mins.

Final Time = 14:42.

Like I mention in the video, if you can get in ALL of the work within the 6 min time cap and have it on film, I’ll personally buy you a TRX or Jungle Gym.

It’s gotta be LEGIT 😉

Either way, this was one of the most challenging Throwdowns to date so BIG thanks to my man Dan for sending this to me.dan-long-solo-pic

Go 110% H.A.M.

Live and Train Aggressive!

PS – If you want some more KILLER workouts like this that all use Suspension Training, don’t miss out on Dan Long’s Suspension Revolution System

It’s back on SALE, but for only a very LIMITED TIME.

You’ll enjoy the SICK RESULTS you get 😉