I’ve got a number of ELITE Coaching clients that I train online and for the last couple of months, the results I’ve seen ALL of them make has just been phenomenal!

There’s guys shredding fat like nothing, getting LEAN and MEAN…  There are others increasing their speed, endurance, and power for sports such as rugby, basketball, wrestling, and even Pro MMA!

There’s guys in from all over including New Zealand, the UK, Australia, Afghanistan, and the US to name a few…

I like to make all of my coaching clients check up with me every so often with progress pics and progress numbers.

I can’t say enough about one of my ELITE coaching clients who came to me looking for some help about 7 weeks or so ago.

I can remember the first few emails we exchanged…  At first, he was rather hesitant as he’s been screwed over a few times with other online programs (join the club!  I’m with you there!)  He was at a all time low with his training when he first came to me saying he’s tried everything in the book.  No matter what he did, he couldn’t see results.  All he wanted was to see some of his hard work pay off in the mirror.  Well, the hard work has been paying off! To make things even more insane, this is only the BEGINNING….

Matt has now been my ELITE Coaching client for just over 6 weeks now.  He just sent this update to me the other day and I was F-ing floored when I saw his progress…

I asked him if I could post his progress pic up on the blog for others to see and this is what he replied…

“Sure thing man! I was gonna try and do the whole before and after pic together as one pic but I didnt want to have you waiting on some pics but yea man post’em dude its YOU that got me here!!!”

I can’t begin to even say how damn proud I am of Matt! He’s been busting his ass!  Not only in the workouts I’ve designed specifically for him but I know for a fact (you can see if in his results) that he’s been eating right as well!

Matt’s currently overseas serving in our Military (God bless his soul).  He’s found it hard to find a consistent type of training regiment to follow.  Plus since there’s a million and one options out there with thousands of different websites saying to do this or to do that, it can be easy to fall off track and get confused and even harder to find the right program that works for you.

For Matt, I designed his program based around all the of the equipment he had available to him.  It’s NO cookie cutter program for any one of my clients. I found out exactly what Matt had to use at his exposal, and I created an effective plan for him to use.  All Matt has is a basic gym set up:  Bench sets, complete dumbbell sets, kettlebells, squat bars, and he went out a bought some rings to use for himself which I’ve implemented into his program as well.

He’s been sticking closely to a modified Paleo diet that I’ve helped him with cutting out certain things here and there.   I know the results will keep coming!

Matt, if you’re reading this (Which I know you will) I just want to let you know that you’re the F*CKING MAN!  Keep progressing forward and destroying records!

For all my other ELITE Coaching clients, you all f*cking ROCK the house!  Who’s getting posted up here next?? I look forward to seeing the rest of the progress you all will be making!  Thanks for chooseing me and making me your personal coach!  This is what I live for!  Getting SERIOUS people results!

Keep up the NO EXCUSES attitudes and keep training H.A.M.!

For anyone else out there reading this looking for a SOLID coaching program to join, I have just a few spots left in my ELITE COACHING Program!  I limit the amount of ELITE Coaching clients I take on to make sure everyone gets the attention they deserve.  I also only work with GO-GETTERS!  No lazy F*CKS allowed!  I mean it too!  Do not contact me unless your serious!

I’m telling it like it is because that’s how it is…  110% SERIOUS or no go at all!

If you’re interested, go to my ELITE COACHING page HERE, fill out the form and send it in and I’ll look it over to see if you would be a possible good fit for my program.

If you’ve already filled the form out before and just weren’t ready, you’re MISSING you’re opportunity…  On that note…  DO not fill it out unless you’re 110% serious.  Please don’t waste your time or mine…

Live Aggressive and Get Strong!

PS – Please leave some comments about Matt’s progress!  Give the guy some props please!  He’s deserved it!