Today I’ve got an awesome guest post from my friend Mikey “Pancakes”.
If you don’t yet know who Mikey “Pancakes” is just yet, him and I have teamed up in the past on some projects such as Hardcore Workout Finishers.
IN the post below, Mike talks about The TRUTH About Training Like an Athlete (in order to get shredded up and lean) plus shares a quick, athletic based “Ab Finisher”.
Check it out and make sure to drop your comments and thoughts below!
The Truth About Training Like an Athlete
Mike Whitfield, CTT
If you want to look like an athlete, you have to train like one.
It really is that simple, yet so many people make it confusing. That’s why I like Travis’s style with his hardcore training.
Sure, it’s hardcore, but it is strategic. And you’re certainly not going to walk into a gym, head over to the elliptical and watch episodes of Jeopardy for 45 minutes. He… and YOU know better.
That’s why I don’t get it. “I want to look more ripped and burn off this belly fat” some people say…
… yet these same people are doing the same things every day and getting nowhere. They are training in a big circle with baby weights and their “conditioning” is 30 minutes of cardio.
You know the saying… “To get what you’ve never had, you have to do what you’ve never done”.
That’s why you’ll love what’s called an “Ab Finisher”. It’s the best of both worlds. You already know that a finisher is when you do intense conditioning with brief rest periods at the end of your workout. They can get you shredded fast.
But with an ab finisher, you’ll focus more on your core with an elevated heart rate. So, you’ll train like an athlete because this is the training athletes do. You’ll improve your core strength while bullet-proofing your back, while at the same time, burn off extra calories by simply putting in the work…
… all in 10 minutes or less.
So, let’s do one.
Here’s a video walk-thru and you can even print it out below.
“The Sick 6 Ab Finisher” -Taken from “The DUNGEON Section” Ab Finishers 2.0
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 6 minutes, resting only when needed. If your form gets sloppy, you MUST stop and rest. Do each exercise with a fast tempo, but under control.
DB Front Squat x 6
Double Burpee x 6
Spiderman Climb x 6 / side
Lunge Jumps x 6 / leg
With the DB Front Squat, you’ll challenge your core with a front load and hit a lot of muscles at the same time. And of course, the Double Burpee and Lunge Jumps are amazing conditioning exercises, while the Spiderman Climb will take care of the abs (and at the same time, help with your mobility).
It’s a wicked combination.
That’s why athletes look athletic…
… and it’s why you’ll look athletic. Because like I said…
To look like an athlete, you have to train like one.
Have fun and train hard,
Mike Whitfield, CTT
Contributor to the Men’s Health Big Book of Getting Abs
–> Train like an athlete HERE and get ripped abs