It's ALWAYS great to catch up with Zach Even-Esh
Not only is Zach one of my biggest mentors and sources of constant motivation and inspiration, he's also a good friend.
You won't
Here's a nasty little 10 to 1 descending ladder set up I did using 3 different movements.
>>> Double KB Deadlifts, Double KB Power Cleans, and Strict Handstand Push Ups.
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Alrighty, so here we are just about into September of 2014.
Summer has flown by and is pretty much done as we all move into the final part of the year.
I'm such a HUGE fan of "On The Minute Training".
I've been doing this type of training for years and it's truly made a huge difference with not only my own
The first time I met Matt we were at a Underground Strength certification at Zach Even-Esh's gym in Edison, NJ.
That was the first time I had ever seen anyone snatch
Here we come with episode #2 of the 110 H.A.M. Radio Show
This one is packed with awesome info coming straight to you,uncut and raw just like you need to hear
This article couldn't have come at a better time.
I was just walking in from a sprint session when I checked my email and saw that my buddy and fellow strength
I've got an very interesting and awesome post on STRENGTH from my buddy and fellow strength-addict, Tyler Bramlett, author of the NEW 0-6 Abs Training System.
Check it out...
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