Forged Strong

Christmas Has Come EARLY

As you read this I'm more then likely sipping on a tequila on the rocks, laying next to a clear blue pool in the warm Mexican sun on my honeymoon
Forged Strong

Warrior Lower Body Throwdowns

So for this week's Thursday Throwdown I thought I would let my buddy and fellow "Garage Warrior" Tyler Bramlett let loose a bit and offer up 3 different Warrior Lower
Forged Strong

Swagger and Strength

Let's talk a little bit about Swagger and Strength shall we... I’ve talked numerous times on my blog and within my videos about how important STRENGTH and being STRONG is. I also
Forged Strong

How to Get Shredded: The Missing Ingredient

How do you get ripped without losing muscle? This question is something we all ask ourselves. My buddy and partner in crime Joe Meglio, who I teamed up with to create STRONG
Forged Strong

High Performance Conditioning Finishers

So you want to get SHREDDED but stay STRONG huh? Oh and you also want to get highly conditioned without losing your hard earned muscle as well? I know that's a common
Forged Strong

Goin’ H.A.M. on Thanksgiving – The ONLINE Turkey Day Throwdown

It's time to THROWDOWN! I hope that you're ready to compete! Check the details of the event below and watch this video. [embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=oiLP5L5jSi8&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep4215" /] I will be looking forward
Forged Strong

5 Things I’m Doing That Work (Do These)

If you’ve been following my blog now for a while you would know that my training style is always continuing to evolve. If you don’t evolve with the things that you