So for this week's Thursday Throwdown I thought I would let my buddy and fellow "Garage Warrior" Tyler Bramlett let loose a bit and offer up 3 different Warrior Lower
Let's talk a little bit about Swagger and Strength shall we...
I’ve talked numerous times on my blog and within my videos about how important STRENGTH and being STRONG is.
I also
How do you get ripped without losing muscle?
This question is something we all ask ourselves.
My buddy and partner in crime Joe Meglio, who I teamed up with to create STRONG
With all the recent talk about Judgement Day Training and preparing yourself for anything and everything, I felt it was the right thing to do and post of a FULL
So you want to get SHREDDED but stay STRONG huh?
Oh and you also want to get highly conditioned without losing your hard earned muscle as well?
I know that's a common
It's time to THROWDOWN!
I hope that you're ready to compete!
Check the details of the event below and watch this video.
[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=oiLP5L5jSi8&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep4215" /]
I will be looking forward
One of the questions I've been receiving a ton just within the past few months has been in regards to training for "everything".
When I say "everything", I mean training to
If you’ve been following my blog now for a while you would know that my training style is always continuing to evolve.
If you don’t evolve with the things that you
Just recently I had the privilege of getting on the phone with a fellow strength coach and friend named Ryan Munsey who has a kickass site at
This guy's an