Something I don't see a lot of people doing within their training program is "weighted conditioning"
In other words I don't see a ton of people doing things like pushing around
Part III of The C2 Method Of Training
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In Part II of my video series looking inside The C2 Method
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Every 4-6 weeks you should be taking a "deload" week.
Just trust me on this.
If you want a more in-depth explanation, I go over that in a past blog post HERE.
So it's that time of year...
The so called "Flu Season"
First my wife gets it BAD last week.
Then a few of my online coaching clients got it this last weekend.
Then yesterday
In this Aggressive Strength Talk Session I talked with David Dellanave who's not only one strong dude (holds the WORLD Record in the Jefferson Deadlift at 605 LBS), but is
Let's talk about the Deadlift.
Something I see way too many people doing wrong when they deadlift is BOUNCE the weight of the ground (thanks to more and more people now
So it's winter here in Nebraska and it's a COLD one.
As I write this blog post it's a bone chilling -16 degrees outside and I can't think of another time
I've got to say that 2013 was one BADASS year.
Not sure about you, but I sure had fun.
If one things for sure, I definitely don't intend on slowing down at
Day 12 of the 12 Days of BADASSNESS
On The Twelfth Day of BADASSNESS Travis gave to me...
--> 12 Overhead Squats
I think that by now you're ready to be DONE with