Forged Strong

Legendary Strength Interview

A few weeks back I was introduced to a guy by the name of Logan Christopher thru my good buddy Tyler Bramlet. After seeing a few of Logan's videos, I told
Forged Strong

How much should YOU use?

I get this question all the time... "Travis, how much weight should I be using for this exercise?" Here's my response: [embedplusvideo height="253" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=3TdffVc5a40&width=450&height=253&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep8922" /] The only real load standards I
Forged Strong

The Aggressive Strength Method Q and A

With the release of my latest training program, The Aggressive Strength Method, there's been a TON of great feedback from all the bad-ass mo fo's out there that took action
Forged Strong

Bad Ass Tips From A Navy SEAL

A while back while I was in attendance at Zach Even-Esh's Underground Strength Conference, I was lucky enough to catch up with a few Navy SEALS. These guys are the "True
Forged Strong

15 Ways To Live Like a Superhero

If you didn't know, I'm kind of a comic book / super hero-super villain nut.  I grew up watching X-Men and collecting tons of comic books and cards.  I have
Forged Strong

How to lift HEAVY Sh*T Right

I used to see this type of stuff ALL too much when I worked at the "Big Box" gym a few years back… This is a GREAT way to mess your
Forged Strong

What I Eat – Non Training Day

So there was a HUGE response with my last blog post about what I eat on a Training Day. For the last year or so I've been experimenting with intermittent fasting
Forged Strong

What I Eat – Training Day

So I typically start out my day at 430am. I wake up and I immediately drink an ice cold bottle of water.  This gets me going. Form there I may have a
Forged Strong

What I Eat – Part I – My Evolution

So the questions have been pouring out as if the Hoover Dam had been knocked down in the last couple of days since my last post on Fasting Vs. Bodybuilding