So today, I wanted to share a success story with you about
one of my coaching clients Jeff.
As a coach, I can't keep this stuff to myself!
Jeff is a straight
Just a few weeks back I got a personal message on my Facebook.
It was from a guy named Jason Phillips.
At the time I didn't know a ton about Jason, but
Here's a nasty little 10 to 1 descending ladder set up I did using 3 different movements.
>>> Double KB Deadlifts, Double KB Power Cleans, and Strict Handstand Push Ups.
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I'm such a HUGE fan of "On The Minute Training".
I've been doing this type of training for years and it's truly made a huge difference with not only my own
This article couldn't have come at a better time.
I was just walking in from a sprint session when I checked my email and saw that my buddy and fellow strength
I've got an very interesting and awesome post on STRENGTH from my buddy and fellow strength-addict, Tyler Bramlett, author of the NEW 0-6 Abs Training System.
Check it out...
Most people think
When it comes to getting yourself stronger, there's not many
movements out there better than a TRUE Olympic Style Back
I'll explain what an "Olympic Style Squat" is here in a minute