Forged Strong

Try This Grinder Session Out

Training is back to full effect since the Crossfit Regionals ended just a few weeks ago. Even though I didn't make top 3 within my Region to secure a spot to compete in
Forged Strong

The C2 Method Revealed – Part III

Part III of The C2 Method Of Training "The CHAOS" [embedplusvideo height="365" width="500" editlink="" standard="" vars="ytid=5z739iH2Spk&width=500&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep4467" /]
Forged Strong

The C2 Method Revealed: Part II

In Part II of my video series looking inside The C2 Method The CONTROL: [embedplusvideo height="365" width="500" editlink="" standard="" vars="ytid=IoishjGrjX8&width=500&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep6421" /]
Forged Strong

Day 10 of the 12 Days of BADASSNESS

Day 10 of the 12 Days of BADASSNESS On The Tenth Day of BADASSNESS Travis gave to me... --> 10 x Muscle Ups You know they had to be coming at some point
Forged Strong

WIN My NEW Training System

Not sure if you've heard the news or not, but I'm about to unleash a NEW Training System. This program has been in the making now for quite sometime now and
Forged Strong

BIG Opportunity

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm seeking to hire a kickass team member. Over the past 6 months the growth of my business has nearly exceeded my ability to keep up. For this, I THANK YOU for
Forged Strong

4 Years and BIG Lessons

So I'm very happy to say that it's been another great year down here at The Forged Athlete Gym and First things first, I've got to give THANKS to YOU