Forged Strong

Christmas Has Come EARLY

As you read this I'm more then likely sipping on a tequila on the rocks, laying next to a clear blue pool in the warm Mexican sun on my honeymoon
Forged Strong

Warrior Lower Body Throwdowns

So for this week's Thursday Throwdown I thought I would let my buddy and fellow "Garage Warrior" Tyler Bramlett let loose a bit and offer up 3 different Warrior Lower
Forged Strong

Are we too SPOILED?

I got a few emails the other day that put me over the edge a bit... I talk about one of them in this video... [embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=q9SRlVsMyi0&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep8406" /] What
Forged Strong

Thursday Throwdown – Strong and Shredded

Thought I'd give you a little taste of my new program I designed with Joe Meglio. I went ahead and did the High Performance Conditioning Finisher taken from Week 5, Day
Forged Strong

Swagger and Strength

Let's talk a little bit about Swagger and Strength shall we... I’ve talked numerous times on my blog and within my videos about how important STRENGTH and being STRONG is. I also
Forged Strong

You Must Embrace “That Feeling”

Not sure about you, but have you ever got to and trained through "that feeling" before? You know, that point at which you're not sure if you should push on or
Forged Strong

How to Get Shredded: The Missing Ingredient

How do you get ripped without losing muscle? This question is something we all ask ourselves. My buddy and partner in crime Joe Meglio, who I teamed up with to create STRONG