Forged Strong

The Key To More SUCCESS and Happiness

For this week's Mentality Monday, I wanted to dig in a bit deeper about something I've talked about in the past within my email newsletter and blog. In fact, I've been

Don’t. Ever. Quit. Again!

I wanted to share one of my latest Aggressive Strength Newsletters that I sent out the other day. Got such a massive response from people and I think it's important to
Forged Strong

Don’t ever ask for “EASY”…

After receiving a few different emails from people that frankly, weren't willing to put in the hard work or didn't want to hear about the concept of hard work, I
Forged Strong

Aggressive Fat Loss – Part 2

OK, so we're going to pick up right where we left off in Part I of "Aggressive FAT LOSS" If you missed out on that and need to catch up, check
Forged Strong

Aggressive Fat Loss – Part 1

The questions have been pouring in from people wanting to know more about FAT LOSS. To be honest, I don't like the words "Fat Loss", but when you say those words,
Forged Strong

Are YOU Good or GREAT?

Just the other day one of my Elite Hardcore Online Coaching client’s sent me this video… [embedplusvideo height="309" width="500" standard="" vars="ytid=64K0Rea7Sjk&width=500&height=309&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep5593" /] Now, I’ve seen many talks and videos of Ray