I've got an very interesting and awesome post on STRENGTH from my buddy and fellow strength-addict, Tyler Bramlett, author of the NEW 0-6 Abs Training System.
Check it out...
Most people think
Here's a different set up to use for your bodyweight training called "Match Push"
My buddy Dennis Heenan, AKA "Clark Kent" (see his pic below) sent this to me the other
I've got to say that 2013 was one BADASS year.
Not sure about you, but I sure had fun.
If one things for sure, I definitely don't intend on slowing down at
Today I've got an awesome guest post from my friend Mikey "Pancakes".
If you don't yet know who Mikey "Pancakes" is just yet, him and I have teamed up in the
I want to introduce you to my buddy Jason Klein who's got an awesome little "bodyweight revolution" movement he started.
A while back I caught up with my buddy via an
So you're still doing crunches huh?
If you are, I think it's time you STOP...
That is if you want a STRONGER and RIPPED up core.
Now, obviously eating lean and mean will
Hope you're ready to get out of your "COMFORT ZONE" a bit today.
That's exactly what I did with this NEW MMA style throwdown I got for ya below
If you caught