You may be wondering what the heck a "strap workout" is.
Well, it's just another name I like to use for "suspension training".
I think it's got a nice ring to it.
So I was presented with a challenge the other day...
If you know me at all you’d know, you'd know that I’m always down for a challenge ;)
My buddy who’s a
Today's Throwdown looks like a short and sweet, possibly easy little number.
I'll be the first person to tell you that is was not easy...
I took straight out of my 21
For this week's Thrusday Throwdown I just couldn't help myself but steal one straight out of my 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers manual and use it for today's throwdown.
Before I get
So, in just another week, I’m going to be unleashing something new and very powerful that I know is going to help you accelerate your results.
"Mr Workout Finisher's" Mike Whitfield