Forged Strong

The Ab Ladder

Today's Throwdown looks like a short and sweet, possibly easy little number. I'll be the first person to tell you that is was not easy... I took straight out of my 21
Forged Strong

How Much YOU Bench? Thursday Throwdown

The Infamous 225 Pound Bench Press Test. Have you heard of it?  Every year, 335 athletes are invited to the NFL combine where they take on a barrage of different strength, power,
Forged Strong

Christmas Has Come EARLY

As you read this I'm more then likely sipping on a tequila on the rocks, laying next to a clear blue pool in the warm Mexican sun on my honeymoon
Forged Strong

Thursday Throwdown – Strong and Shredded

Thought I'd give you a little taste of my new program I designed with Joe Meglio. I went ahead and did the High Performance Conditioning Finisher taken from Week 5, Day
Forged Strong

Goin’ H.A.M. on Thanksgiving – The ONLINE Turkey Day Throwdown

It's time to THROWDOWN! I hope that you're ready to compete! Check the details of the event below and watch this video. [embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=oiLP5L5jSi8&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep4215" /] I will be looking forward
Forged Strong

Thursday Throwdown “Get A Grip”

I've got another short and sweet Thursday Throwdown for you that I know you're gonna love... If grip strength is an issue with you, this one will be a bit BRUTAL
Forged Strong

Terrible Two’s Throwdown

For this week's Thursday Throwdown I added in something short, but INTENSE. One of the things that I've been doing lately is focusing in on shorter hardcore conditioning finishers so I