Ready for a shoulder burner complex with some legs thrown in for good measure?
Here's how this one rolls...
5 Drop Lunge / Leg
5 Alternating Piston Press / Arm
5 Cleans
Then 4, 3,
I work with a LOT of DADS who are short on time.
To challenge them, I create a LOT of quick Kettlebell supersets, circuits, EMOM's, and AMRAPs to build strength
This is a great little Kettlebell Complex that flows together really well.
I like to hit it EMOM style focusing on one arm every minute and rotating arms every round.
Not so
Give this nasty Upper Body Double Kettlebell Complex a try...
This is murder on the upper body.
Complete 5 Rounds of this Complex.
Rounds MUST be done UNBROKEN to count.
3 Double KB Clean
There's a system I like to use when creating some of my complexes.
This particular one is The ".45 Complex" Method.
I take 3 movements and combine them into a complex chain
Here's a quick one for you.
Hit this after my main session yesterday to get some blood flowing and sweat dripping.
If you’re ever in a pinch for time (which I know
Want a workout you can do outside with only a single Kettlebell?
I've got one for you I'd like to share.
This was a FUN one...
Taken from day 6 of this week’s “Aesthetic
Here's a fun little strongman blended mix of strength / power-based movements that will push your strength and conditioning to the next level.
Here's the set up:
Every Minute On The Minute
One of my favorite odd-object strength tools has got to be the atlas stone.
I LOVE training with these things.
While the stones I've got aren't extremely heavy, they're still a bitch