Forged Strong

Goin’ H.A.M. on Thanksgiving – The ONLINE Turkey Day Throwdown

It's time to THROWDOWN! I hope that you're ready to compete! Check the details of the event below and watch this video. [embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=oiLP5L5jSi8&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep4215" /] I will be looking forward
Forged Strong

Free-Style Friday

I just finished up a NEW Aggressive Strength Method training phase this week and so I decided for today's session, I would do a little bit of freestylin' before I
Forged Strong

How To Get Built Like Bane

So you want to know How To Get Built Like Bane? Well, let me first just say that last Friday I went to the new Batman, The Dark Knight Rises and
Forged Strong

Warrior Dash Rehash + 4 Mud Run Tips

I ran my first (of many more to come) Warrior Dash this last weekend and it was a load of fun! httpv:// That's my beautiful fiance in the pic who ran the
Forged Strong

The Hardcore 250 Challenge

So, in just another week, I’m going to be unleashing something new and very powerful that I know is going to help you accelerate your results. "Mr Workout Finisher's" Mike Whitfield
Forged Strong

R.A.T. – A Deadly Interval Method

So if you're wondering what R.A.T. stands for, it means "Remaining Amount of Time" and it's an evil interval method I've been integrating into my own training programs as well
Forged Strong

How To ATTACK Your Training Program

Often times people follow their strength programs all WRONG. They either follow the same program too long. This can be bad because if you're following a periodized program that focuses on mostly
Forged Strong

Looking For a Challenge?

This last weekend I had the privileged of joining up with a ton of other passionate fitness pro's at Bedros Keuilian's Fitness Business Summit. For the past 3 years or so