It's been a hectic week over at The Forged Athlete, AKA "Train Aggressive HQ" as there's been lot's and lot's of great things going on that I can't wait to
For this week's Throwdown, I decided to take a finisher right for out of my new manual The Aggressive Strength Method.
I took this upper body finisher from Day 3 of
I did a poll on my Facebook Fan Page yesterday asking what strength implement I should use for this week's Thursday Throwdown.
The choices were...
1A) Bodyweight ONLY
1B) Kettlebells ONLY
1C) Brute Force
For this week's Thursday Throwdown I'll keep the write up short and sweet...
You'll be finishing off your training session with 5 minutes of Manmakers or as one of my athletes
With all the talk about Olympic Lifting lately I only felt that it was right to have an Olympic Lifting based Thrusday Throwdown.
Now before I get into this week's Thursday
For this week's Thrusday Throwdown I just couldn't help myself but steal one straight out of my 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers manual and use it for today's throwdown.
Before I get
I'm just about off and out the door to get myself on the road towards Chicago where I'll be going H.A.M. at the North Central CrossFit Regionals.
This will be one
Today I felt like getting a little SINISTER on my Thursday Throwdown and sinister I got!
Grabed my heavy Brute Force Bag and got to work...
Yesterday I took the whole day
So the CrossFit Regional Workouts were just posted up last night.
All I can say is... BRUTAL!
If you're not familiar with what I'm doing yet, I'll be competing again in this