Forged Strong

The 7’s Throwdown

It's been a hectic week over at The Forged Athlete, AKA "Train Aggressive HQ" as there's been lot's and lot's of great things going on that I can't wait to
Forged Strong

5 Minutes of Man-BREAKERS

For this week's Thursday Throwdown I'll keep the write up short and sweet... You'll be finishing off your training session with 5 minutes of Manmakers or as one of my athletes
Forged Strong

Olympic Style Thursday Throwdown

With all the talk about Olympic Lifting lately I only felt that it was right to have an Olympic Lifting based Thrusday Throwdown. Now before I get into this week's Thursday
Forged Strong

Thursday Throwdown Finisher Challenge 2.0

For this week's Thrusday Throwdown I just couldn't help myself but steal one straight out of my 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers manual and use it for today's throwdown. Before I get
Forged Strong

Sinister Sandbag Throwdown

Today I felt like getting a little SINISTER on my Thursday Throwdown and sinister I got! Grabed my heavy Brute Force Bag and got to work... Yesterday I took the whole day